Columbus Book


Posted by dharmon | Posted in Kindergarten | Posted on November 12, 2016


Homes Book


Posted by dharmon | Posted in Kindergarten | Posted on October 9, 2016




Posted by dharmon | Posted in Kindergarten | Posted on October 9, 2016


Painting a Yellow Lion


Posted by dharmon | Posted in Kindergarten | Posted on October 9, 2016


Shape Self-Portrait


Posted by dharmon | Posted in Kindergarten | Posted on October 9, 2016


JK Reflections


Posted by dlfischer | Posted in JK, Portfolio | Posted on June 7, 2016

My favorite part of JK was when we went out in the snow in the winter. I love to have jackets, scarfs and gloves. I love to play in the snow. I also liked the first of school because I liked the dress I was wearing.

By Isha Kamran

Isha’s Daddy


Posted by dlfischer | Posted in JK, Portfolio | Posted on June 7, 2016

photo 3 (10) photo 4 (9)

Isha’s Mommy


Posted by dlfischer | Posted in JK, Portfolio | Posted on June 7, 2016

photo 1 (10) photo 2 (9)

Self Portraits


Posted by dlfischer | Posted in JK, Portfolio | Posted on June 7, 2016

photo 1 (11) photo 2 (10) photo 3 (11) photo 4 (10)

I like this month’s the best because it has a dress. And she’s really pretty…I love her so much. This one (first) is really pretty but it’s scribble scrabble. The last is not scribble scrabble. I like the last three. I got better at drawing.

Hello world!


Posted by dlfischer | Posted in JK, Uncategorized | Posted on May 16, 2016

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