the field trip

Hi my name is Isla, we went on a field trip.Where Mount Vernon! it was very fun fun fun.Come on read my story it’s the absolute best.So first we had a 1 hour bus ride then we got there.After that we went over some quick rules.We watched a war movie.My favorite part was a 4 d movie.    

The Scuba diving Incident

Once upon a time Zeus asked his daughter Athena  if she wanted to go scuba diving.Then she asked Aphrodite then she asked Poseidon.They all said yes it was a relief to Zeus when Poseidon didn’t ask anybody else.Finally they went to the Aegean Sea.The problem was that monsters started coming out of nowhere.Poseidon tried to fight them off but they were to strong.All of them joined in they destroyed 1 then the next. then poof they were all gone what a relief.


R: I like this blog because I love to make up stories. and all characters I used Zeus,  Athena, Aphrodite, and Poseidon. Greece was one of my favorite subjects.

The Chariot Challenge

Today I had a lot of fun making a chariot in class.I didn’t exactly finish but I made something except able though.I used Popsicle sticks, 1 skewer, 2 bottle caps, 1 yogurt cup, 1 regular cup, 3 rubber bands.mine broke when I got home.sadly I broke it drooping it  very sad.   


R: I like this blog because I loved the activity.We got to use lots of materials.I used my chariot for my barbie dolls.

My thanksgiving

My Thanksgiving was in Grenada EEK! Grenada’s shape is like a crescent moon cool huh.They have so many trees I can’t  believe it.There are so many colorful houses orange, blue, green, yellow,purple, pink. Plus it’s always hot so you can swim all year around. Therese also a lot of beaches sea glass beach is my favorite though.Sea Glass Beach is right under my grandma and grandmas house it’s not there property though.   

What Peace Means To Me

Peace means kindness to me even when people are mad.I try to calm them down hopefully they do.Talking about calmness calmness is one of the key factors of peace to me.You half to be calm to have peace.If your calm you can accomplish big things even helping the world.if your always caring your very nice.

Christopher Newport

Hi were talking today about European Explorers in class. I would  like to share about Christopher Newport. He came from England. He landed in Jamestown,Virginia .Why did he explore?he sailed to discover a western sea route to Asia.he wanted to claim land and make colonies in Virginia.He arrived in present Virginia He was one of the first explorers to reach the Fall Line of the James river.

Globe Project

We did a globe project about last week.We also learned all of the continents. Let me name them North America, South America, Antarctica, Australia, Africa, Europe, and Asia. We also learned all of the oceans. let name them all Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Southern Ocean.