Posted by jlontor | Posted in Portfolio, Third Grade | Posted on October 5, 2018

In Spanish class we reviewed how to say the date. I can introduce myself using my chosen Spanish name, and I can say my birthday!


I liked this because it showed me specking spanish.I liked it also because I could say my birthday in spanish.

Book Club


Posted by jamberger | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on September 27, 2018

I read a book about turtles.The main charecters name was Taro.Taro is a little boy.The problem was a guy name Jer son herd the wind blew and he herd hi was he’s friends but Jer son said yo’ll see and he also keeped it a good secret.Taro found out who  was is friends and there turtles.

Picture Day


Posted by jamberger | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on September 20, 2018

For picture day I would feel happy because I took my pictures. I wore a Blue and white poffy dress on picture day. I think that my picture would turn out bad. I would like to be a fatougafer because I like takeing picture of people who where pretty clothes and people who don’t have fansy clothes.



Posted by jamberger | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on September 13, 2018

I felt nervous because if i will get water in my eyes or in my nose. My favorite thing was when Kate was helping me do like free style and breth strokes. I wish that it was at the end of the day  so we would go right to car pool. I will not be an FA swimmer when I grow up because I don’t like swimming alot.

Our Class Rules


Posted by jamberger | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on September 7, 2018

I can pick up the trash in the cafeatirea for Mr. lina. I can push people’s chair’s in for them. Don’t call yourselve dome. My favriote rule is to Recpect others.

Me Museum


Posted by jamberger | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on September 7, 2018

I brought a leotard. I brought it because I love gymnastices. I feel Athletic. I feel werryed when the other 3rd grade will come because if i get anberass about the piture that we took. They mite laugh at my piture.



Posted by nsentipal | Posted in Portfolio, Second Grade | Posted on March 14, 2018

Winter looks like snow falling out of the sky.

Winter feels like ice falling on top of you.

Winter smells like warm cookies in the kitchen.

Winter tastes like hot chocolate with marshmallows.

Winter sounds like kids laughing in the snow.

by Jacey

Color poem


Posted by jamberger | Posted in Second Grade | Posted on March 6, 2018

If I were the color pink, I would be a pink gum ball. It is chewy and sweet.

If I were the color yellow, I would be the sun,which is hot and bright. It is red, yellow, and orange.

If I were the color white

I would be a big fluffy cloud.

If I were the color gold,

I would be gold coins. They are bright.

If I were the color black,

I would be a black jacket. It is warm and cozy.

If I were the color turquoise,

I would be the ocean. It is pretty seeing the ocean waves.


My Pet Monster


Posted by jamberger | Posted in Second Grade | Posted on October 30, 2017

My pet monster is named Frank. My pet monster is little like the size of my arm. Frank has two points on his head and one whisker. He eats meat and dog food. For fun I pick him up and jump in my bed five times each day. When I am scared at night, he comes to sleep with me to make me feel better.

When Autumn Comes….


Posted by jamberger | Posted in Portfolio, Second Grade | Posted on October 16, 2017

I see apples in the trees.They are red.

I hear birds singing the tree.

I smell apple pie in the kitchen. It is fresh from the oven.

I taste candy apples from the oven.

I feel soft  cookies from the oven.

By Jacey

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