Natural History Museum


Posted by Jailyn | Posted in Second Grade | Posted on November 16, 2017

On Tuesday Nov.14, we went to the Museum of  Natural History.I loved seeing the Hope Diamond  it was very Shiny.

Choose a Color


Posted by Jailyn | Posted in Portfolio, Second Grade | Posted on November 2, 2017

If I were red, I would be a  part of the flag, and I would be holding my hand over my heart.

If I were orange, I would be a tabby cat in its bed.

If I were yellow, I would be minion running away from a monster and looking for a new leader.

If I were green, I would be an emerald in the caverns with a lot of crystal around me.

If I were blue, I would be a dolphin jumping over the waves, having fun.

If I were purple, I would be a grape about to be eaten.

If i were all the colors, I would be God’s rainbow.



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