

Posted by Jailyn | Posted in Second Grade | Posted on December 28, 2017

I am thankful for God because he loves me a lot.I am thankful for my bed because I will have to sleep on the floor.I love my mom and dad I love my cat Rosy even though once she bit my leg.  She is so cute. I am thankful for my clothes.

M y pet reindeer


Posted by Jailyn | Posted in Second Grade | Posted on December 14, 2017  of   reindeer  Clouie.

2.  I found my reindeer in the North Pole.

3.  I keep my reindeer in it’s home.

4.  My reindeer’s favorite food is snicker doodle cookies.

5.  My reindeer and I like to play.

6.  I take care of my reindeer by giving it water.

7.  Something special about  my reindeer it can fly.

All About Rabbits


Posted by Jailyn | Posted in Second Grade | Posted on December 7, 2017

I am writing about Rabbits would you like  hear about them. Rabbits are blind for about 10 days.  There are 30 different kinds of rabbits.  Rabbits are mammals.  I hope you learned lots of things about rabbits.

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