Audrey’s Diary


Posted by Jailyn | Posted in Fourth Grade | Posted on March 23, 2020

Audrey has a diary but the VK’s (villain kids )Mal and Evie like writing in her diary to. Audrey writes all of her feelings inside like how prince Ben is her boyfriend and her life is going perfectly. Audrey is captain of her cheer team and also she’s queen Aurora’s daughter and Ben is Beauty and Beast’s son .Today the 4 VK’s are coming to  Aradon Prep (her school) and Audrey doesn’t like it. When the VK’s arrive they have zero manners. Two boys named Carlos(Cruella Devals son) and Jay(Jafars son)  are fighting over chocolate that they brought in the limo.  Carlos and Jay were driven  to the school with Mal and Evie in a limo.  The band are played drums because of their arrival and Audrey thinks this is crazy because they’re VK’s and the students at the school don’t like VK’s.

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