Lego Writing


Posted by Jailyn | Posted in Fourth Grade | Posted on March 24, 2020

I like playing with Legos because you get to use your imagination. When I build my creation first I take a picture so if it breaks I will have the picture. My Lego plane has a pilot her name is Rose. After I make the plane I get lunch inside. Then suddenly in my backyard a squirrel jumps out of nowhere and the squirrel takes Rose from her plane and all Rose see’s is red then she notices the squirrel’s mouth!!! Pushing threw it’s teeth Rose escapes the squirrel thought she was a nut. When she was going back to her plane Rose noticed the squirrel stepped on her plane and broke it.This had happened before so she kicked a tree and her sports car came rushing down so she could get the parts to fix it in her home Lego land She noticed it needed gas so she had  emergency gas in the trunk and  rode back to Lego land. Got the parts and called her brother and he flew the plane and she rode the car back home to Lego land and when I got back from lunch I never even knew the Lego plane and Rose were gone.

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