Lego Writing


Posted by Jailyn | Posted in Fourth Grade | Posted on March 24, 2020

I like playing with Legos because you get to use your imagination. When I build my creation first I take a picture so if it breaks I will have the picture. My Lego plane has a pilot her name is Rose. After I make the plane I get lunch inside. Then suddenly in my backyard a squirrel jumps out of nowhere and the squirrel takes Rose from her plane and all Rose see’s is red then she notices the squirrel’s mouth!!! Pushing threw it’s teeth Rose escapes the squirrel thought she was a nut. When she was going back to her plane Rose noticed the squirrel stepped on her plane and broke it.This had happened before so she kicked a tree and her sports car came rushing down so she could get the parts to fix it in her home Lego land She noticed it needed gas so she had  emergency gas in the trunk and  rode back to Lego land. Got the parts and called her brother and he flew the plane and she rode the car back home to Lego land and when I got back from lunch I never even knew the Lego plane and Rose were gone.

Audrey’s Diary


Posted by Jailyn | Posted in Fourth Grade | Posted on March 24, 2020

After Mal stole Audrey’s boyfriend Ben. Audrey turned to the evil side and since she now cant be the Queen of the United States of Aradon  she will be the Queen of Mean. Audrey now has Hades ember which is a staff and she also has the crown that she stole from the crown museum. Audrey is now the queen of mean and her best friend Jane didn’t  invite her to Jane’s birthday picnic because Audrey is so mean and she didn’t want something bad to happen at her picnic. Audrey is going to put a sleeping spell on anybody who went to the party. Just like Maleficent Audrey is going to let her anger out on other people. Audrey looks at the students and they looked petrified. Audrey was asked to leave the school but went to Mal and Bens engagement party instead. Audrey had to go the party alone because was kind of scared of her and she learned her lesson because she was all alone and was allowed to go back to her school.

Audrey’s Diary


Posted by Jailyn | Posted in Fourth Grade | Posted on March 23, 2020

Audrey has a diary but the VK’s (villain kids )Mal and Evie like writing in her diary to. Audrey writes all of her feelings inside like how prince Ben is her boyfriend and her life is going perfectly. Audrey is captain of her cheer team and also she’s queen Aurora’s daughter and Ben is Beauty and Beast’s son .Today the 4 VK’s are coming to  Aradon Prep (her school) and Audrey doesn’t like it. When the VK’s arrive they have zero manners. Two boys named Carlos(Cruella Devals son) and Jay(Jafars son)  are fighting over chocolate that they brought in the limo.  Carlos and Jay were driven  to the school with Mal and Evie in a limo.  The band are played drums because of their arrival and Audrey thinks this is crazy because they’re VK’s and the students at the school don’t like VK’s.

My Brothers Keeper


Posted by Jailyn | Posted in Fourth Grade | Posted on March 23, 2020

Good morning, I just finished my book last night so am going to blog about it. Virginia’s brother Jed is still alive and went home but he has a cold and a broken leg and has to recover in bed.           Jane – Ellen gave Jed a journal to write in because Jed wants to give his old one to Virginia . Ginny is very exited , she loves writing ! Then Jed and Jane Ellen announce they are getting married. After they do get married Jed  recovers and every thing goes back to normal and the war is over with.




My Brothers Keeper


Posted by Jailyn | Posted in Fourth Grade | Posted on March 20, 2020

The mane character Virginia  loves reading and writing a lot, her nickname is Ginny. So when the Gettysburg war was going on she was scared her dad and brother might not come back from their old farm and she was planning to go there herself  . She waited for her brother and dad for over 2 weeks. Her dad came home but her brother didn’t. Her dad had sent  Ginny’s brother to tack care of her but he didn’t come so Mrs.MCcully took care of her .  Ginny When she met Captain Heath it made her think, are all the confederates bad? Mrs. McCully lives in a bakery where they bake loafs of bread and gives them to hospitals and churches. Ginny and Mrs. McCully went to the hospital to deliver bread and a doctor  asked Ginny to hold a mans hand because the doctor was about to saw his leg off and he was in to much pane for the doctor to do it   but Ginny was got very scared  and ran away and didn’t go to the bakery but went to her old house. Ginny thought that Mrs. McCully would be mad but she wasn’t she said just seeing people hurt scares her  and its wasn’t her fault that she ran away.







Posted by Jailyn | Posted in Fourth Grade | Posted on March 19, 2020

A girl named Beonca was planning to buy a magnificent castle for 8.6 million dollars located in Norway, Alaska. The castle was built on April 21st 2010, which happened to be Beonca’s birthday. Once Beonca realized the fact the castle was built on her birthday she had to have the castle. The only problem was telling her parents she would be moving and buying her own place. Back in her home town in North Carolina her parents were so furious once they found out she was moving to Alaska. Beonca would be leaving her parents without telling them that she was going to Alaska or buying a castle also the fact she was only 9 years old at the time . Then she decided to buy the castle . The first night sleeping in her brand new castle was hard, she felt so lonely ,then she noticed that there was an aurora happening just outside her window it was the most beautiful thing she’s ever seen, then she felt so bad that she didn’t even say goodbye to her parents or that she’s sorry that she spent all that money on a castle when she already had a house .Suddenly she heard her doorbell ring , sadly she walked down her spiral staircase opened the door….. it was her parents! She felt so bad about what she had done she hadn’t got a chance to even look around the house which was beautiful. She said sorry to her parents while they were in shock of how beautiful it was .Thus that’s my Castle Story.

By:Jailyn Minor

Reading Log=My Brothers Keeper


Posted by Jailyn | Posted in Fourth Grade | Posted on March 18, 2020

Virginia’s  nickname is Ginny for short Virginia’s mother is a southern belle and died when Ginny was little , and lives in Gettysburg Pennsylvania . Ginny see’s a fire from some rebels camping out on sidewalks. Before Virginia’s mother died she told her husband to name their baby Virginia because she loved the state of Virginia . Ginny smells Ms.MCcully baking bread and gave the bread to a hospital and gets asked by a doctor to hold a mans hand while the doctor sawed his leg off but Ginny runs away.

Best School Ever


Posted by Jailyn | Posted in Fourth Grade | Posted on March 12, 2020


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