Levi’s Best Part of 4th grade


Posted by lblashford | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on May 20, 2020

   My favorite activity from fourth grade was Colonial Day.  Colonial Day was awesome because of all the fun games we played. My favorite game was the hoop and sticks game. The game is played with two sticks and a hoop.  Each player has two sticks. You toss around the hoop with the sticks and see how many times you can pass it around.  I also like Colonial Day because we got cookies. I learned that children during colonial times had lots of fun and their everyday life is not that different from ours. 


   My favorite subject this year was math. Math is great because I love Star Wars math. Star Wars math is a competition that I really like. In Star Wars math, there are teams with Star Wars names. This makes math more fun. Long division and adding and subtracting fractions was hard. but I was proud that I was able to figure it out. I also love meeting at the rug for Math. It was nice to go to a different space and talk. Math is the best subject. 


  I really liked my teachers this year. Ms. Midkiff was my main teacher. Ms. Midkiff is calm even when things get crazy. She is patient, and she cares about our class. Mr. Evans was my history and math teacher. Mr. Evans is funny, but he can be serious when he needs to be. He loves the subjects he teaches. I meet with Ms. Newman for word study and writing. Ms. Newman is always willing to help. The teachers were the best part of 4th grade. 

The Boy Start The War


Posted by lblashford | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on May 15, 2020

One day the four Hartford  Boys saw the three Molly boys move in. They found out they were actually girls not boys. The boys start spying on the girls. The boys have a plan to get rid of the girls. The plan was to put dead stuff in the river by their house. The girls saw the boys putting the dead stuff in the river.  One of the girls pretended to die to get back at the boys.

At school Wally Hartford and Caroline Molly were in the same class. In school Caroline would not stop,  whispering in Wally’s ear. Finally Wally in the nose. The war was on.


The Wish


Posted by lblashford | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on May 14, 2020

One  warm sunny day in July I was at the beach.I went to the store to get eggs. in the store there was a line? the line was for a magical Panda that will give you one wish.So I got in line.

When it was my turn I closed my eyes and said My Wish. My wish was to be better at soccer.  When I got home I shot a ball in the name for the right post. It hit! I did it four more times  to see if it worked and it  worked!The next day I went swimming. I am not doing my best for some reason.So the wish made me better at soccer but worse at swimming.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid


Posted by lblashford | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on May 8, 2020

Diary of a Wimpy Kid the last straw is a great book. Greg the main character is trying to get Holly Hills, a girl in his grade, to  love him. But Holly Hill’s mistaken him as a weird kid in their grade named Fregley. But in Greg’s yearbook Holly Hills wrote him a note that said I don’t really know you yet but I would like to know you better k.it which means Keep In Touch. 

Greg’s dad make him play soccer and Greg does not like  sports. First Greg has a really bad coach. Second Greg team name is the Red Sox even though their jerseys are blue.  And finally he has a position  that has to go get the ball.

Greg’s dad was going to make him go to military school.. first military schools in the summertime which stinks.  Second the bathrooms  have open showers.  But in the end  his dad does not make him go to military school because he helped his he Not make a fool of himself at Seth Snella’s half birthday.                                



Posted by lblashford | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on May 8, 2020


Courage is doing something even though it scares you. I showed courage when I was learning how to skateboard. When I first started skateboarding, I would only skateboard on my belly because I was scared to hurt myself. After two long years, I got on my feet and tried to skateboard. I fell and hurt myself but I kept trying. Now I can skateboard and do tricks. I showed courage because I could have hurt myself again but kept skateboarding. In conclusion,I showed courage by not backing off even though I was scared.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid


Posted by lblashford | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on April 30, 2020

Diary of a Wimpy Kid is a good book. The main character’s name is Greg. He keeps a diary and writes about important events in his life.  Some important events include his thoughts on Halloween, Christmas, and New Year’s Day resolutions.

Greg had a bad Halloween. His younger brother, Manny, had to go trick or treating with Greg and his best friend, Rowley. Now he couldn’t go to as many houses. Halfway through the night, his dad went home with Manny. After his dad left, some teenagers in the back of a truck started chasing them. Greg and Rowley tried to hide from them. They had to sneak back home. When he got home, his Dad splashed them with water and all the candy was soaked.

Greg’s Christmas was just as bad as Halloween. This Christmas Manny got everything he wanted. Greg did not get the Twisted Wizard video game and that was the one thing he wanted. Rowley got Twisted Wizard for Christmas. Rowley got Greg a big wheeler.

New Year’s Eve for Greg was a little better. His New Year’s resolution was to help people be a better person, but he did not help anyone. Greg’s dad’s resolution was to go on a diet, but Greg caught him in the garage eating brownies. His mom’s resolution was to go to the gym, but  she watched TV all day instead.



Posted by lblashford | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on April 30, 2020


If you ever get stuck on an island, I hope you have a water purifier, a pocket knife, and salt. The water purifier would help you get clean water from the ocean. You need water to live! You will also need a pocket knife because you can use it to make spears, animal traps, and shelter. The last thing you need is salt. Salt is important meat to make it last longer. You need water, food, and shelter to survive. These three things will help you live if you are ever shipwrecked.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid


Posted by lblashford | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on April 24, 2020

  In the Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Greg and Rowley are the main characters.  Greg likes to play video games.  Greg has a journal that he writes in. It is titled diary because his mom got it for him. He said not to get one that was called a diary but she did it anyway. Greg writes so when he is famous and people question him he could just give them the book and they will know about him.


Rowley likes video games too. Rowley and Greg are best friends. But sometimes Rowley just does not listen. For example, Greg told him to wear regular clothes to the haunted house and he wore a Superman costume instead. 


   Greg and Rowley are middle schoolers so they are a little older than me. I think I relate more to Rowley because he goes with the flow. Rowley does not have to be the center of attention. I do not relate as much to Greg because he hates being outside and doing sports.  I really like being outside and playing lacrosse, soccer, swimming, basketball, and skateboarding.  



Posted by lblashford | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on April 11, 2020

In STAT  the boys play a game against the bullies. The bullies  are hogging the court and also trashing the court. They’re trashing the court by leaving trash all over the court.  The bullies were hurting the boys not calling fouls. The boys lost the game.

 The next day the boy decided to play them again but this time they have a plan. There plan is to gather a bunch of people to play in the game. The plan worked they won the game. And the deal was the winner gets the court.

STAT-Standing Tall and Talented


Posted by lblashford | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on April 3, 2020

STAT has 3 main characters,Amar’e, Deuce, and Mike. Amar’e  likes to skateboard. He also likes to play basketball with his friends. Amar’e is a very tall 11 year old. Amar’e has an older brother named Junior. Amar’e also likes to play baseball with his friends.

Amar’e has two friends named Deuce and Mike. Both friends like to play basketball. Deuce is very fast but short.  Mike is tall but not as tall as Amar’e but he is taller than Deuce. All three friends like to play baseball. At one point in the book the boys had to face a bully. The bully was huge  and he did not let them play basketball on the court. 

I have not finished the book. I predict that they will have a challenge to find out who will get to play on the court. I can’t wait to find out what happens. 

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