Library Classes, Grades 2-5

The curriculum focus for these grades continue to be literature/art, genres, the organization of the library, locating materials, using resources in print and online as it relates to classroom projects and the mission of the Academy.

Mrs. Mann’s class will be the designated Library Ambassadors this year. These students will help to collect library books each morning, assist students with book selection, checking in/out materials, moving materials between the LS and the MSUS Library, helping with the book fair and other duties as assigned. 2014-09-16 08.02.52

Students in these grades are able to check out up to two book at a time and exchange books from the library on a regular basis. If they forget their book on their designated library day, they can still select a book that will be placed in on the reserve shelf. Once they bring in their book, they can come at any time with teacher or parent permission and pick up their saved book. These reserves will be available for three days.  The students are encouraged to check out books from the entire library. If you would like for your child to bring home a different type of book, please let me know.

The library is open at 7:45 each morning for students to come in and browse with their parents before the school day begins or with their teacher’s permission once they arrive in the classroom. A fifth grade ambassador or I will be here to assist with book selection.

The books in both of the FA Libraries are for the entire FAmily. When a book is missing from a series or when a student is waiting for the newest best seller, it is so heartbreaking when I have to tell a disappointed student that the book is long overdue/lost  and he/she will have to find something else. There are times when a book becomes misplaced. I try to give the student time to locate the material. After several weeks, a hardcopy overdue notice  will go home with the student. If I do not hear from the parent, I will follow up with an email. When every attempt has been made to locate the book and it is not found, it will have to be replaced so others will have the opportunity to read the book or a suitable replacement.

If you would like access to the library catalog, please go to

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