5th Grade: Week of April 19, 2020

Hello 5th Grade!

I hope everyone had a wonderful break. I know it was different this year and a lot of travel plans did not happen, but I am hoping you and your family found new ways to spend time together as a family. I did not do much different. Usually I do a big Easter Egg hunt on Easter Monday, but that definitely did not happen this year.  So the Easter decorations for that stayed in the attic this year.  I read a lot (I hope you are too!) and continued enjoying outdoors when it was not raining. It was a little chillier than I would have liked.

I have been asking you all to work on various assignments with Encyclopedia Britannica. Some of you I have head from, so I have not at all. If you have not done so already, please share with me your assignment from before break.



  1. Decide on a famous place you would like to visit or have already visited (some of you were doing this already).  Look it up using Encyclopedia Britannica and Discovery Education  (if you don’t have your log-in for Discovery, let me know).  Make sure you use the appropriate grade level. If you cannot find an article or video, choose another location.
  2. Like last time, write down 5 facts using complete sentences.
  3. Locate the (MLA) citation, copy and paste it at the end
  4. Don’t forget to add a title.
  5. Pictures are optional.


There seems to be some confusion with citations for Britannica. When a teacher gives you an assignment that requires you to cite your sources, each teacher might have different requirements. I am trying to see if you can follow my directions and make sure you are finding information to go with your research.  Please see video below. 

Copy and pasting the citation directly into your Google Doc allows me (or the reader of your assignment) to go directly to where the information is because it gives us a link, which is one of the wonders of modern technology!

*There seems to be problem with viewing their videos, so if you used videos, I am not able to see them. I found that out before break, tried at the beginning of last week and I just double checked this morning, so not sure what is going on there. I’ll keep checking that. 

Have a great week!

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