Fall Book Fair

The Library hosts two annual book fairs. One of the purposes of the book fair is to promote reading and encourage our entire community to build their personal library collections with some of the newest and best books published. Usually there are newly published children’s books, award winners, poetry, discounted books, sports, cookbooks, and self help books, just to name a few categories. I suspect there will be fall and winter themed holiday books as well.

Our fall book fair is just 3 weeks away!

The Annual Fall Book Fair begins Tuesday, October 5. All students JK-5 will have a short preview to walk through and make a wish list of special titles on the first day. The Book Fair is held in the Middle School MPR. The entire FAmily is welcome!
Tuesday-Thursday; 8am-4:00pm
Friday Morning; 8am-12pm
*The Book Fair will also be open for the LS and MS Parent Teacher Conferences on October 1 & 2.
Forms of payment accepted are cash, personal checks, Falcon’s Nest account, and major credit/debit cards.
Parent and student volunteers are always needed for this event. If you have a desire to help out for an hour or two with customer service, assisting the younger students with book selections, or helping to set up or pack up the book fair, please click here for information about duties and to sign up.


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