JK Mardi Gras Celebration


Today is a special day in many French-speaking places in the world. It is the end of the Carnaval season, a festive time of parades and parties that precedes the Lenten season of fasting and penance (~40 days prior to Easter). In New Orleans, today is known as Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday, and it is America’s most unique party!

In our Junior Kindergarten French class we observed this holiday by having a guest speaker come to tell us first-hand about how Mardi Gras is celebrated in New Orleans. Mrs. Lazzuri (mom of Peyton, Piper and Paige) is from there, and she did a wonderful job explaining the fun traditions such as wearing masks, throwing beads, dancing in the second line, and sharing a king cake with family and friends. Merci beaucoup for your interesting presentation!


Each student got to decorate a mask and wear some beads for our parade around the school. We carried a sign that said “Laissez les bons temps rouler!” and had traditional Mardi Gras music playing. After the parade, we got to sample the King Cake- yum, yum!

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Pascal and Julie are “Flat Stanley” dolls visiting from our sister city of Fréjus in France. They also joined in the festivities with us!


Julie kept watch over the King Cake while we prepared for the parade.


Waving our napkins and dancing in the second line with Mrs. Lazzuri:

Parading in the Lower School:

A huge “MERCI” to all the teachers who helped to make the parade possible by lending a hand with the masks and keeping track of everyone as we marched around the school! And “GRACIAS” to Ms. Bonelli and Mrs. Chandler for the photos/videos!

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