3-5 Junior Master Gardeners, Week of April 19, 2020.

Hi Gardeners!

Happy Gardening. I hope you all are keeping an eye on the frosty evenings we have been having. Hopefully we are done with those until October.

Since we cannot come to school, the plan is to have Grace Norair (Class of 2021) start and maintain the school garden for us this spring and summer as part of her Exhibit Application (This is BIG project that every Upper School Student has to do. Grace chose farming and gardening). She will have guidance from Mr. Steinberger and myself. If all goes well, we will  have a school garden to work with when we come back in August. 

Mr. Steinberger is also giving tips to his middle and high school science students about gardening in raised beds here in our area. He is out in his garden at home in Guinea. He has a 7 month old baby, Leah, who you can hear hiccuping in the background, while Mrs. Steinberger is recording. He gave me permission to share his videos with the Junior Master Gardeners. Please click on the link below!






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