JK Computer: Week of April 19, 2020

Hello JK!

This afternoon my walk, I talked a lot about mileage for running and our Cross Country Team. Mileage is counting distance, which a a math skill. You have already started your math skills with counting. That is the first step. So how about a counting game today on ABCYA?

4th Grade Library: Week of April 19, 2020

Hello Fourth Grade!

I hope you saw last week’s lesson before the break. If not, here it is:


This week’s assignment is a little more challenging. Last time, I asked you to take some time to look around World Almanac for Kids.

This week you are going to use Britannica School and look up information about the Civil War. Britannica is an online encyclopedia. Like World Almanac, the encyclopedia is a reference source…something we use to get additional information about a subject. We usually use this in 3rd grade, but we had access problems last year. 

Using this link: http://school.eb.com.

You will need a username and password the first time if you have not used this with your teachers, already from home:

Username: fredericksburga

Password: falcons

Click on Middle Level and type in “American Civil War”. You may have to click on link that says “American Civil War” This article about the Civil War is on a Middle School reading level. There is a lot of information there, so let’s move to Article Reading Level 1.

Click on the purple square that says 1. This article is for elementary school children. If you look around, there are lots of articles, and pictures. You can also find biographies on key people like Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, John Mosby, and more!

Go to the left of the page. There you will see “Web’s Best Sites” and it takes you to a web page outside of Britannica. It is called “NeoK12”. If you are loving what you are learning about the Civil War and want to know more, you can explore this site.

Have fun using the online encyclopedia. You can use this for other subjects as well. When most of your teachers were your age, more than likely our homes had a 22 volume set of encyclopedias, along with a dictionary, and thesaurus (also reference sources). Every library had different kinds of encyclopedias as well. The problem was they were big and bulky. The other problem was some of the information went out of date quickly. Because encyclopedias were expensive, it was hard to replace them every few years. Now that most reference books are online, the information is updated all of the time. 

5th Grade: Week of April 19, 2020

Hello 5th Grade!

I hope everyone had a wonderful break. I know it was different this year and a lot of travel plans did not happen, but I am hoping you and your family found new ways to spend time together as a family. I did not do much different. Usually I do a big Easter Egg hunt on Easter Monday, but that definitely did not happen this year.  So the Easter decorations for that stayed in the attic this year.  I read a lot (I hope you are too!) and continued enjoying outdoors when it was not raining. It was a little chillier than I would have liked.

I have been asking you all to work on various assignments with Encyclopedia Britannica. Some of you I have head from, so I have not at all. If you have not done so already, please share with me your assignment from before break.



  1. Decide on a famous place you would like to visit or have already visited (some of you were doing this already).  Look it up using Encyclopedia Britannica and Discovery Education  (if you don’t have your log-in for Discovery, let me know).  Make sure you use the appropriate grade level. If you cannot find an article or video, choose another location.
  2. Like last time, write down 5 facts using complete sentences.
  3. Locate the (MLA) citation, copy and paste it at the end
  4. Don’t forget to add a title.
  5. Pictures are optional.


There seems to be some confusion with citations for Britannica. When a teacher gives you an assignment that requires you to cite your sources, each teacher might have different requirements. I am trying to see if you can follow my directions and make sure you are finding information to go with your research.  Please see video below. 

Copy and pasting the citation directly into your Google Doc allows me (or the reader of your assignment) to go directly to where the information is because it gives us a link, which is one of the wonders of modern technology!

*There seems to be problem with viewing their videos, so if you used videos, I am not able to see them. I found that out before break, tried at the beginning of last week and I just double checked this morning, so not sure what is going on there. I’ll keep checking that. 

Have a great week!

Freeze Warning Tonight

Hello Gardeners!

When you garden outdoors, you have to keep track of the weather, sometimes on a daily basis. The wind we had Monday could have damaged plants already growing, or blew something over in the garden that could break the plant. The same goes for plants you might have in containers. The wind can knock them over. My greens were okay and did not have damage. The good news is that thanks to the Internet, tablets, and smart phones, we have a good idea of the weather and current temperatures at any time. 


If you got excited when you got some plants and planted some things outside like tomatoes, basil, summer squash, peppers, and eggplant , they will need to covered or brought inside tonight!  If your parents took some houseplants out so they could soak up these warm days, you need to bring them back inside tonight. There is a freeze warning for your area tonight for Ashland and areas to the north! The means after all of these warm spring days, below freezing temperatures tonight will kill plants. What are plants filled with? Water. So if it is below freezing, the water in the plants freeze and kill the plants. Covering the plants with a sheet or inverted (upside down) container, bowl, flower pot may prevent your plants from permanent damage. If it is still windy this evening, make sure you weight down the covers with a large rocks, bricks, pieces of wood, etc.



JK Computer, Week of April 5, 2020

Hello JK!

No computer work this week. But I found this really neat set of videos that talk about learning about what surrounds us outdoors! Parents, it is about 15 minutes long. It is a little dated, as you can tell by clothing and transportation, but as my pastor would say “Sometimes you have to chew the meat and throw away the bone!” My video is about 10 minutes. Have a wonderful Spring Break!

4th Grade Library, Week of April 4, 2020

Hello 4th Grade!

As indicated in the videos below, we are taking a break for Stonewall Hinkleman’s adventures and reading a seasonal story about the Civil War. See below (yes, there are two parts this week). Then see below the videos for this week’s assignment. If you want to do the assignment before the story, that works as well!


This week, I would like you to go online to wak.infobaselearning.com. We have used it before in class earlier this year. Practice typing in the correct username and password:

Username: fredericksburg-acad

Password: falcons

Search 1: Type in the keyword, Passover and locate images (pictures) of a Passover Seder meal. There should be at least three. You can also read more about Passover and other spring holidays if you desire.

Search 2: Type in the keyword, Stonewall Jackson and read a few facts about him. You can also read about the Civil War by typing in what keyword??