Apples, Apples, Apples!

It’s been a busy couple of weeks learning about “Apples” in PK. We read books and sang songs. We started exploring the math concept of patterns with different colored apples. Ms. Larochelle even included apples in her STEAM and Literacy class last week when she read Ten Apples Up on Top! and the children used loose parts to create apple trees and tried to see how many apples they could balance.


We also had the fun experience of creating very special apple trees. Our painted hand and arm print made the trunk and branches.

Green thumb or fingerprints made the leaves.

Then we added special apples to finish our special trees.

This week we explored painting at the easel and created some colorful apples to decorate our room.





We ended the week with a taste test of red, yellow, and green apples.

They were all yummy, but we did have our favorites. Next week we wrap our theme by making our very own applesauce in the classroom. Everyone will get to help and, when it’s done, we will have an applesauce party!





All About Us!

In PK we’ve been enjoying the theme of  “All About Me”. As part of this theme, we made circle self-portraits. We chose from various paper circles one that we thought looked like us. Then we sat in front of a mirror and talked about the important features on our face and added them using crayons.

Then we made our hair using yarn and glue.

When we were finished, we were excited that our portrait looked just like us!

We love how this project builds self-awareness…

and that the pride the children feel in themselves shows on their faces.

But the real beauty of these self-portraits is that the children make all the choices for colors to make the finished product just like them. They provide a glimpse into how the children see themselves and we think that’s wonderful!

(You may have noticed a new face in the group. Please welcome Ethan Canavera and his family to PK!)

Settling In

It’s been a busy two and a half weeks! We’re doing the important work of settling into PK right now. We’re getting to know each other and getting comfortable being at school. There’s lots of “school things” to learn as well. We’ve learned about walking in a line and we’re getting pretty good at it!

We’re learning about sharing and taking turns with the toys.

We’re having fun together…

and forming friendships!

We’ve settled in enough that we’re getting started with our very first projects!


We’re even learning when we go outside. This is how we dry the really tall slide on wet mornings!

We’re climbing, exploring, and trying new things.

We’re seeing all that we can do and we are very brave!

We’re doing such a good job that we’ve been able to start going to the great big Playscape.

We LOVE the Playscape, its many play areas, and all the freedom it holds. It’s been a fantastic start to a very special year!

Welcome to PK!

Welcome to PK! We’ve been very busy these past couple of weeks.


We’re doing the important work of settling in and getting to know each other.


There’s a lot to learn about our new school and we’re learning all the PK rules too.

We’re also having lots of fun playing together,

singing and listening to stories,

and even being silly together.


All of this is building our little PK community!

And these happy faces show you that it’s all going just great!