Week of October 15-18

WOW! What a wild and wonderful couple of weeks it has been in Fifth Grade!

During Spirit Week, our Kindness Boomerang was finally completed and shared with the Lower School at our Community Meeting. Click HERE to watch this awesome video. Many of the third grade students felt such an impact from the video that they wrote letters to our fifth grade students. It was wonderful to hear the third grade students share their letters with our fifth graders last week.

That same afternoon,  we enjoyed our first pep rally of the year and to top it off, several of our students “worked” the Fifth Grade Tailgate BBQ during the homecoming games. The fifth grade students worked so hard and earned just under $750. Incredible! We are looking forward to using some of those funds to treat our students to a special breakfast during our overnight field trip. Our class will also brainstorm some ideas of how we can use the rest of the money to do something special for our school and/or community.

Please keep an eye out for the information coming home this week about our Landmark Field Trip next Friday, October 25. We hope you will be able to join us!

We truly enjoyed getting to talk with so many of you during our parent conferences last week. As always, please let us know if there is anything we can do to support your child as they learn and grow throughout fifth grade.

Here is what has been going on in our academic classrooms:

Reading: Last week, we really dug (ha) into Holes and worked with the first five chapters in a number of ways. The students had four different approaches to choose from, including character portraits, letters to home from the perspective of Stanley (our main character), and summary slideshows. The week culminated in a comprehensive quiz, in which the students did really well!

History: With much of our research coming to an end, we’ve now turned our efforts towards organizing our information and writing the first draft of their Landmark essay. Over this week, we’ll continue working towards a final draft, as well as individually conference with Mr. Barzditis to address any questions or concerns.

Math: In preparation for our BBQ sales, we learned a lot about creating a business plan and running a business. Our students calculated all of the final expenses, revenue, and overall profit for the project. We also practiced multi-digit multiplication, starting with accurate, but inefficient methods (partial products and the area model) which better show the reasoning behind the traditional algorithm. After building this solid understanding, we transitioned to more efficient strategies, such as the traditional or lattice methods. This week we are continuing in this same fashion with division. We will build conceptual understanding with less efficient strategies before moving to more efficient traditional algorithms. Please allow your child to go through this process rather than skipping to “the way we learned it”. Building this solid foundation will benefit them greatly later in the year when we head into decimals and fractions.

We hope everyone had a fantastic fall break. Time is going so fast!

Enjoy the short week,

Kimberly & Tim

Week of September 23-27

It’s been another fun week in fifth grade! Be sure to read to the end of this post to see our incredible progress on our garden project. There are many more pictures found in the Links and Resources tab at the top of this page.

HOMECOMING EVENTS September 30-October 4:

  • Spirit Days-
    • Monday- Favorite sports team day
    • Tuesday- Backwards/inside out day
    • Wednesday- Crazy hat day
    • Thursday- Slippers or crazy socks day
    • Friday- Blue and Green day, Pep-Rally 
  • Homecoming Friday’s Events:
    • Before School/Drop-Off Spirit Tattoos ($1.00)
    • Homecoming Parade 2:30
    • Pep Rally 3:00
    • Spirit Tailgate 3:30-5:15 (see below)
    • Homecoming games 4:00
  • Fifth Grade BBQ (3:30-5:15, Friday October 4)- Students will be coordinating advertising and sales for this awesome fifth grade fundraiser. More information and permission slips will be coming home early next week. Last year, we were able to raise $750. Some of this money was used to treat the class to a special breakfast during our overnight field trip. We hope to raise even more this year. If you are able, please join us and spread the word to friends and family!

CONFERENCE NIGHT/DAY: Please do not forget to sign up for a parent conference. We hope to be able to meet with every parent! You will find the sign up sheet under the Upcoming Events section to the right or you can click HERE to sign up. If none of the available spots work for you, please email us to let us know so we can figure out an alternative time. Thank you!

Here’s our Academic Update for the week:

Reading: This week, we’re glad to report that we have finished presenting the Genre Group Projects and each were excellent in what they brought to the table. Plus, it was nice to let the students do the teaching for a change!

Additionally, the students each registered for Newsela, a wonderful resource we’ll return to throughout the school year. To start off, we read an article called “The Death of Reading is Threatening the Soul,” and responded to the text with a short quiz and writing activity. Despite the overly dramatic title, the students unanimously agreed that the article, which argues the harm that television and social media does to our attention span, was important and relevant.

Finally, in small groups, we created some French Surrealist poetry, which some of the students then read during our Community Meeting this morning. Definitely ask your student about this!

History: We have officially begun our Landmark Research! Much of this week has been focusing on good note-taking skills. As the students find valuable information, they’ll be recording what they find on note cards, which will be useful when we start organizing and structuring their essay in a few weeks.

To practice these skills, we read an article on a different kind of DC landmark, Ben’s Chili Bowl on U Street, and created sample note cards based on what stood out to them. Finally, on Thursday afternoon, our students took their inaugural steps towards gathering information about their Landmark. So far, so good!

Math: In math this week we practiced using prime factorization to find all of the factors of a number. We also took the second version of the Factors, Multiples, Primes, and Composites test on Wednesday. Students will have their goal sheets updated with these new scores on Monday. Your child will need to share and explain their test and growth mindset sheet with you Monday night as part of their homework. They should also ask you to sign their test before returning it on Tuesday. Based on this assessment, some students will continue to receive instruction on this topic during our work times. Then they will be given the opportunity to take the third version of the test, if necessary, to show growth and understanding.

Next week, we will be working on a mini business planning unit as we prepare for the Homecoming BBQ. We will also continue practicing multi-digit multiplication and division of whole numbers. Please know, it is important for students to attempt and understand various strategies before learning the traditional algorithm for basic math topics. This helps them build a solid conceptual understanding of our number system and how parts of the problem relate to one another.

Science: We began our year-long science project today! Our fifth grader students will be working to revitalize and redesign the Lower School garden within the Playscape. This is so exciting! You would not believe how hard our students worked to break down the old raised beds and pull out the weeds. We highly recommend a thorough shower tonight and would not be surprised if your child asks to go to bed early! You’re welcome. 🙂

Check out the before and after pics of our work for the day!

Week of September 16-20

Wow! We have had quite a productive week in fifth grade! Our kindness boomerang is nearing completion. We cannot wait to share it with you. Your children blew us away with the improvement they made from the first take to their second take today. We are hoping to be able to film a final version on Monday if all students are present.

We also had many students join in on the playscape for Drums and Donuts with our very own music teacher, Mr. Santulli, on Tuesday. This is always such a fun event. Please be sure to check out the Fall Carnival Flyer sent home for the Fall Carnival. This is always a fun way to start off fall and for our Lower School students to participate in homecoming weekend.

Please do not forget to sign up for a parent conference. We hope to be able to meet with every parent! You will find the sign up sheet under the Upcoming Events section to the right or you can click HERE to sign up. Thank you to all who have already signed up!

Reading: Our main goal this week was to finish working on our Genre Group Projects and to practice writing effective summaries for works of fiction. Being able to summarize the key components of a story in your own words is a vital skill (and one of the most important pieces of their Genre Project), so we practiced honing our abilities through a Somebody-Waned-But-So-Then structure.

Though we had hoped to begin the student presentations this week, we’re confident that the extra work time will result in even more polished and comprehensive projects. Many of the students have drafted cue cards and begun rehearsing with their other group members. We’re really looking forward to seeing what they’ve come up with next week!

History: Just as we worked on summarizing works of fiction in our Language Arts class, in History this week, we practiced summarizing nonfiction texts. Being able to recognize the main points of nonfiction (such as online articles, biographies, newspapers, etc) and put their respective information into our own words will be essential as the students begin their Landmark research and take notes next week.

Math: In math this week we have been working on learning a set of divisibility rules. These rules will be helpful with so many topics of math for years to come. So far in fifth grade these rules have been a huge aid in finding factors and multiples of various numbers. Next week we will practice using prime factorization to find ALL the factors of larger numbers. Keep an eye on your child’s agenda, as we will have a test on Factors, Multiples, Prime and Composite Numbers at some point next week. This is in addition to the weekly review quizzes we usually take on Fridays.

Have a great weekend!

Kimberly & Tim


Week of September 9 – 13

Thank you to all who came our for our Back to School Night on Thursday! If you were not able to attend, please know we sent a packet of all the handouts home with your child Friday.

Be sure to check the Reminders and Upcoming Events tabs to the right. There is a link to sign up for Parent Conferences under Upcoming Events. We hope to meet with each and every one of you!

You should be receiving a weekly email called the FA Weekly. This is a great way to find out what is going on around campus. Also, there are links to various ways to help out with the Parent Faculty Association. We are so thankful for all the work this great group does for our school!

This week in fifth grade we have continued our kindness theme, as we worked on the class Kindness Boomerang. Please be sure to ask your child about this creative project. In our core classes we worked on the following this week:

Reading: As we mentioned in our Back-to-School night presentation, being able to discuss and express ideas about a work of literature is going to be a crucial part of our studies this year. Using Langston Hughes’ seminal short story, “Thank You Ma’am,” we defined the difference between round and flat characters, collectively summarized the story’s narrative structure, and used evidence from the text to show how the main character, Roger, develops over the course of the tale. Finally, we concluded with a short quiz based on the text and our week-long discussion. Though this quiz was merely practice, your student can expect the quizzes that follow to be quite similar.

History: This week, we continued preparing our research skills and our abilities to recognize credible and non-credible resources. Though many students have done research projects in the past, being able to quickly and effectively identify trustworthy online sources of information will be vital, not only for their Landmark Projects, but especially as they transition into middle school. We’re aiming to start out next week by practicing some effective note-taking skills so that they’ll be more than ready to start digging into their Landmarks!

Math: I feel confident I am not alone in saying that solving word problems was an area of difficulty for me as a student in elementary school math. I was taught to memorize certain words to equate to specific mathematical operations. When one of those key words was not in the problem, or there were several key words within one problem, I was lost. One of the goals of fifth grade math is to truly understand problem solving rather than memorizing steps. During our daily word problems we are using the three read strategy:

  1. Read just to grasp an idea of what the problem is talking about in general.
  2. Read the problem paying attention to important information, making annotations if needed.
  3. The goal of the final read is to come up with a plan and solve the problem itself.

I have also stressed to the students that the number is only part of the answer, so it is important to answer word problems with a complete sentence. We will continue our practice of solving various word problems throughout the year. This past week we dove into prime and composite numbers, factors, and multiples. We will continue to practice identifying relationships between whole numbers next week as well.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Kimberly & Tim

Week of September 3-6, 2019

It has been a fabulous short week here in fifth grade! We hope your child is having as much fun as we are getting the year started. During music class this week, both homerooms participated in an instrument petting zoo. Check out the photos link (under “Links and Resources” at the top of this page) to see our students in action. We have also created a spot for important dates to the right called “Upcoming Events”. Be sure to check that section as we have several events happening next week- the beginning of after school strings, picture day, and back to school night. Lastly, be sure to ask him or her about the “Kindness Boomerang” we are creating!

Reading: This week, we began working on our Reading Kickoff Project. Based on your child’s favorite genre from their summer reading, they’ll collaborate with a small group to give a slideshow presentation on their shared literary genre and their individual books. The plan is to continue working on these slideshows in class and during our Work Time periods over the next week and a half, culminating in some wonderful and informative presentations.

History: Similarly, we began our history unit by diving into our Landmark Projects. This week, each student signed up to be the sole researcher for their historic landmark in and/or around The National Mall of Washington DC. For the next several weeks, we’ll learn and practice good note-taking skills, compile our research, and draft an essay that they’ll present during our field trip to DC near the end of October. We’re all very excited to see these 25 projects come together over the next month and a half!

Math: We continued to learn about the pieces of the puzzle that make up each routine in class this week. All students have been fabulous participants in each math class. I very much enjoy hearing them explain their thinking as the strategies used during our “number talks” have been varied and show a great number sense foundation. Adding on to our discussions about growth mindset, we have also talked about the importance of retrieval practice. The homework pages we do nightly aid in spiraling our review by practicing the retrieval of previously learned topics. Next week we will dive further into number theory such as prime and composite numbers, factors, and multiples.



Welcome to our Fifth Grade Newsletter!

Welcome to your first fifth grade newsletter!

This blog is where we will post our weekly newsletter as well as any additional information we need to pass on to you. Please sure to subscribe to it so you can stay up-to-date. To subscribe, type your email address in the box on the right and click the Subscribe button. You will then receive an email each time we post something new!

Email is the best way to contact us. You can reach us at: KMcGehee@fredericksburgacademy.org and TBarzditis@fredericksburgacademy.org.Since we team-teach every fifth grader, please be sure to include both of us in any email correspondence.

We are excited about completing our first full week of school! Everyone is doing a fabulous job adjusting to the new school year, such as reading for at least twenty minutes each night, completing nightly math homework, and having a parent sign their agenda. So far, most of our class time has been all about getting to know the classroom and introducing the routines we will follow throughout the coming year. 

This week, each of our students have also applied for and received their first classroom jobs. These jobs will rotate every month, as it is our hope that each student will have a chance to try their hand at each of our classroom’s roles. Since one of the most prominent fifth grade responsibilities is the raising and lowering of the  flags, earlier today, Mr. Evans taught us about proper flag etiquette to help get us started.

Reading: This week, we spent some time reading, discussing, appreciating, and illustrating two classic poems–one by Emily Dickinson and the other from Elizabeth Bishop. Throughout the year, we will return to poetry and the skills we practiced this week, as much of the close reading and interpretive work we did together will be valuable as we continue our reading and writing. Also, when you get a chance, ask your child if you can see their illustration or hear their “found poem.” I think you’ll be impressed with what they came up with.

Looking ahead to next week, your child will receive the first project of the year! We will use the summer reading lists to group ourselves by genre. Your child will work with a small group to “sell” their genre to the rest of the class for a group grade, as well as present a book they read from that genre for an individual grade. This is a relaxed project focused on collaboration and will be done completely in class. Your child will have a rubric to work with, which we will go over and discuss together when we come back on Tuesday.

Math: Each day in math, we have introduced a new piece of our math workshop model as well as reviewed topics from previous years. It will take a while to collect all of the puzzle pieces which will eventually make up our typical class agenda, but the time spent learning about each piece will allow our class to run smoothly throughout the year. Next week, we will continue in the same manner, as we further build our understanding of having a growth mindset (not only in math, but in everything we do). 

Class Schedule: Click here to see our fifth grade schedule, but please understand that our schedules are subject to change. The first page is Mrs. McGehee’s homeroom, the second is Mr. Barzditis’ homeroom, and the last page is a quick list of the days of our specials.



  • Please send your child to school with a reusable water bottle daily. They are welcome to leave their water bottles at school for the week.


  • Please be reminded for the dress code policy for Grades K – 5: 
    • Clothing with logos is permitted provided the logo is appropriate for school. 
    • Bare midriffs and low necklines are not permitted. 
    • Crop, tank, or halter-tops may not be worn. 
    • Form-fitting pants may not be worn unless an over-shirt covers the hips. 
    • Camouflaged clothing may not be worn. 
    • Opened-toed footwear, Croc-style shoes, shoes with wheels, or clogs should not be worn, for reasons of safety. 
    • Dresses, shorts, or skirts must be no shorter than mid-thigh. 
    • On physical education days, students must wear shorts or sweat suits and non-marking athletic sneakers. There will be no dressing out except for swimming. 
    • Fridays are denim days. Clothing made of denim may be worn on these days only.

Important Dates:

Thursday, September 12 at 7 p.m. is Back to School Night. 

Friday, October 25 is the tentative date for our Landmark Field Trip to D.C. This is a fabulous day that we invite every parent to attend. Please put it on your calendar as you will not want to miss it.

Have a wonderful long weekend and be sure to ask your child about their first full week of school!

Take care,

Tim and Kimberly