The Sisters Grimm


Posted by jamberger | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on March 20, 2020

For this week I have been reading The Sisters Grimm. In the story there were these two sisters named Sabrina and Daphne. They are foster kids and they have escaped from a lot of foster parents in the years. They found this one family who has kept them for awhile. They share a room and one night Sabrina was going to bed and she found a Tarantula on her face and she screamed and she woke up Daphne and she started screaming because Sabrina whacked it off her face and it  was in the bed crawling. The old lady came in and picked the spider up and started to pet it which Sabrina and Daphne got more scared. Sabrina got so tired of all the drama she went into a room that no one has ever been in. She saw a mirror and said I want to do what other people do and walk into the mirror. She walked in it and the mirror started to talk. He said I can show you what ever you want and Sabrina said I want to see my real parents and the mirror showed them and they were stuck and Sabrina started to cry and said I am going to find you.

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