My Scarecrow


Posted by addison | Posted in Second Grade | Posted on February 5, 2019

My  scarecrow’s name is Ruby.  Ruby’s favorite food is fruit by the foot.  She loves to do gymnastics with her friends.  Her favorite thing to do is sleep.  I mean she sleeps all day and eats all day too.  Her hair is black and it is curly.  It sticks out.  She is allergic to pollen and blueberries.  She loves school especially math and  science.  He favorite activity is P.E because she gets her energy and then she is so, so tired.  Her favorite book is Ghostville Elementary.  Her birthday is  July, Friday the 13th.  Her best friend’s name is Julie. Julie is her best friend because she has known her since she was 4 months old.  Now, she is 15 years old.  Mommy lets her drive.  We’ll  mommy has to be in the car with her.  She also has glasses.  Ruby is a good friend because she plays with all of us.

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