My Mommy

         My mommy is Joey. She has like my skin and she has brown hair. I do not know about her eyes. I think sometimes she wears make-up. I think she puts it on in the bathroom and she puts it on her eyebrows. Sometimes she wears tank tops, those are like super-duper short sleeves, and sometimes she wears short sleeves, and when it’s cold she wears long sleeves. She wears pink a lot of days. She is as cute as a pie.

         Mommy goes in her office and teaches kids and stuff and they learn. She works at FA, here. She reads books to kids too. She picks up people at their classes. I think sometimes she has snack that she heats up in the microwave. She brings her lunch to school and it is different than from her snack. She eats in her office by herself because she has to work on her computer. She only has friends at school that are little kids.

         At home, Mommy does clean the kitchen floor. She uses a little wipe and she cleans it right up. Sometimes she cleans the walls and sometimes the living room. When the clothes are in the wet one, she asks me and Nolan to put it in the dryer and then she takes it out and puts it in the laundry basket. Then she brings them upstairs and she folds them and then we put them in our drawers. Sometimes I help with folding, but I put them in my drawers everyday. When Mommy is gone, Daddy cooks, but Mommy cooks mostly. Yesterday she cooked chicken, green beans, rice and strawberries. Sometimes they order me and Nolan pizza. I love that. I don’t really like the chicken that much. Sometimes they say I have to eat it and sometimes they say I don’t.

         Mommy’s favorite restaurant is Vinny’s. She likes to get for her drink, iced tea. Sometimes she doesn’t eat anything and sometimes she likes to eat salad and like grown-up food. She doesn’t get a dessert. We don’t get desserts at Vinny’s, only at home if we eat all of it. But at home Mommy never eats dessert because she wants to only eat healthy and me and Nolan only eat little desserts.

         For vacation, when it’s summer time she likes to go to the beach. Last summer we got a beach house and we got to go to the beach seven times because that is how long we had the beach house. On the beach Mommy just talks to Dad while we play in the sand and the water. She goes in sometimes, but mostly she sits on a blanket under an umbrella and wears sunglasses. There is a pool there shaped like a big rectangle. Sometimes she goes in that.

         My mommy is special because she lets us go fun places like Kings Dominion. She loves me because, well, I do not know, but she really does. I love her because, well, I just do.

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