Jed's Blog

End of Year Reflections

I liked earning and cutting out the feathers for our feast. Thanksgiving Feast was fun, I brought root beer floats but I wish I brought Chinese chicken. I want to stay in JK another year so I can be there when my brother comes. When I grow up, I can be a climber and a dentist, maybe one when I’m in college and one when I’m grown up. I love coloring, and Tristan and me made a lot of Easter Eggs for Easter. Beach day was my favorite because we got to go in the tub and get sprayed by the hose. It’s hard to pick my favorite thing I learned because I learned so much, maybe birds. I saw a robin in my neighbor’s driveway.

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My Name

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Self Portraits

The first one only has three fingers and my nose and eyes are all in a straight line. The next one has no nose and the whole body is opened and it has no arms or it has really, really short arms, for sure. The next one has a stomach and it has pants. The last one the arms are really straight and it has more colors. It is the best because I’ve been practicing making bodies.

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My Dad

My daddy is Mike. He has black hair and brown eyes. All the boys in my family have brown eyes. He has a beard but it’s not really long. It’s short. He cuts it with that thing you cut hair with, that makes really loud noises. That’s what he cuts it with. He doesn’t have a moustache. If you touch it, it feels ticklish. He’s big, I don’t know how big. I don’t know how old he is either. He is strong. He can climb trees up really, really, really high.

Daddy prunes trees and cuts trees down sometimes. He uses a hand saw and a chain saw and a rope. And he uses a belt to connect to the tree so he doesn’t fall down. He wears a special hat, like a climbing hat and he wears boots. I think they are probably climbing boots. One time I went to a competition with him and we stayed in a hotel and on the second to last day I got to climb up in a tree. I was scared because I was only 3 or 4. He works with his friend.

At the competition I saw Daddy ring bells while he was on top of trees. It’s not scary to me. At the competition he does different stuff on different trees. I saw him throw up a yellow thing with a skinny rope on it and you try to get it stuck up there and then on a different tree a fake dude went up the tree.

Daddy has a pretzel bin and he’s filling it up with money. He has a lot of money. He works a lot for other people, probably because they pay him. He uses his money to buy drinks for himself. One time we went to Benny’s with him because we did a job with him so we got to pick out lunch and my brother picked out Benny’s.

At home, Daddy relaxes by taking a nap on the couch. He doesn’t watch TV because we don’t have a TV. Sometimes we get to carve sticks with him. Last time he was working on the handle of a handsaw. I usually just make random things. One time I worked on one for a long time and I did it too long on the same spot and it broke.

Daddy cooks sometimes. The hamburger I had for lunch he cooked outside on the grill. He cooks the most on the grill, Mom cooks the most on the oven.

One time me and Levi went with my dad to go plant some trees. I got to cut of some of the black things. At the beginning we picked up trash. We planted a lot of trees and it was a cold day.

My dad is special because I go with him places with none of my brothers and only I get to go. I love him because I get to jump on him and he throws me up in the air. He loves me because I love him.

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My Mom

My mom is Katie. Her hair is curly and a little bit of blonde. I have no clue what her eyes are. She doesn’t put on make up. She probably did when she was younger, I don’t know. Her skin is a little lighter than mine and it feels smooth. I don’t know what she looks like at parties. Sometimes she packs her stuff and takes it with her. She usually puts on black pants when she goes to sleep, that’s what I see her in, in the morning. She is as pretty as a butterfly.

Mom works on the second top row of the upper school at FA. She teaches students about the world. When I was sick with the sickness that took a long time I got to sit in her room and after that I went to the doctor. She put on a screen and there was a map that was only black and white. Her job is hard because she has to connect her laptop to make it come on the screen and she has to grade papers sometimes.

At home, we do the recycling and sometimes my brothers do the chickens. One time my brother did it in a towel. Sometimes my mom cleans up the toys. She makes food for me and my brothers. She makes home made pizza sometimes. Most of the time she makes other food, other than pizza, like salad. She makes waffles sometimes. For my brothers birthday, one time we got to eat pancakes with strawberries and bacon on the side. On one of my birthdays I asked for pizza.

Mom goes shopping at Wegmans. She buys cheese, blueberries, and strawberries. She buys Naked juice somewhere else. I don’t really know. She buys our clothes at the place that has a freezing cold room. I don’t know what it’s called.

I don’t know her favorite restaurant because she let’s us pick, so I don’t know. Last time we went out to eat was a long, long time. It was a place with a giant can of yellow stuff. My brothers usually pick.

Mom’s favorite thing to eat is salad. She likes to drink wine. She doesn’t eat dessert. I do. I like ice cream cake because it doesn’t have any frosting or bread and I do not like cake with frosting or bread.

For vacation Mom likes to go camping. One time when we went camping me and Levi found a little bridge with no water, and we found a broom and a stick and we swept the leaves off. Mom likes to just hang out. In the morning she makes breakfast on a little fold up cooker.

Sometimes my mom helps me read. She hugs me too. My mom is special because she does a bunch of things for me. I love her because she loves me. She loves me because I listen to her.

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