The Boy Start The War


Posted by lblashford | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on May 15, 2020

One day the four Hartford  Boys saw the three Molly boys move in. They found out they were actually girls not boys. The boys start spying on the girls. The boys have a plan to get rid of the girls. The plan was to put dead stuff in the river by their house. The girls saw the boys putting the dead stuff in the river.  One of the girls pretended to die to get back at the boys.

At school Wally Hartford and Caroline Molly were in the same class. In school Caroline would not stop,  whispering in Wally’s ear. Finally Wally in the nose. The war was on.


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Comments (1)

I have so many questions! Why did the boys think their new neighbors would be boys, not girls? How did the girl “pretend” to be dead? Did Wally punch her in the nose? This sounds like one I’m going to have to read!
– Mrs. M.

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