My Mommy


Posted by dkolotos | Posted in Portfolio | Posted on April 14, 2016

My mommy looks like me because she has blonde hair like me. She has different eyes from me. My mom’s are green and mine are blue. She wears Chapstick on her lips. She puts eyelash stuff on her eyelashes. She has some she puts on her cheeks too. She is so pretty. She is as pretty as a flower.

Mommy’s work is to help people build things like houses. She uses a hammer and I don’t know what else. At her work they tell her about what to build and then she does it. She goes to work at this building and she has helpers there and there is this boy there, Brad I guess, and he gives me lollipops when I go there with my mom. She has a friend at work, I don’t know her name, but she’s a girl.

At home, Mommy has to do the laundry and feed the dog. Sometimes she has to put Ruben outside to go potty. She has to get her regular clothes on and then she has to get her computer and do some work on that. Sometimes she lets me use her computer but she has to turn it on. She cooks dinner and she makes dessert. One night we made dessert in the kitchen. We made banana splits out of bananas, strawberries, whip cream, ice cream, hot fudge and sprinkles too!

Mommy cooks green beans, macaroni and cheese, applesauce, steak, and rice. My favorite thing is green beans. I don’t really like the twice baked potatoes because she bakes it twice and she puts cheese on the inside of it.

Mommy goes shopping when she runs out of food and when we have to make something for a party and we don’t have it. Then she has to go get it from the store. She likes to go shopping at Target. She buys bananas and apples and oatmeal.

Mommy’s favorite restaurant is Tarntip. She gets rice and the mixed up vegetables with chicken. At home, I like to drink cocktails (fizzy water with juice) or milk and she likes to drink wine. Her favorite dessert is hot fudge. Sometimes she cooks the hot fudge.

Florida is where Mommy likes to go for vacation. She likes to go on the beach and get ice cream. She likes to go in the water and play. She likes to do gymnastics on the sand with me. Like cartwheels. Sometimes she just likes to be on a blanket under the umbrella.

My mommy is special because she remembers to get me a present when she goes on a trip. I love her because she sometimes lets me do what I want and she sometimes doesn’t. She loves me because I’m nice and I’m sweet to her and sometimes I let her pick where we are going to eat and sometimes I pick.


My Daddy


Posted by dkolotos | Posted in Portfolio | Posted on April 14, 2016

My daddy has black hair and he has skin like me and he has these dots on him that look like beards and he has to shave all the time. He has to put like shaving cream on and then get it wet. He shaves where those dots are and it goes away for a little bit but then it comes back. He is like 50 pounds big and he is strong enough to move a table.

Daddy works to get money so I can buy stuff with him and he can get toys for me. His job is to buy money. He works at his home for a little and then he goes to his work and then he comes home and does work again. He has to stay at the meeting until nighttime. He works on his computer and tells everybody about his world. He has a meeting and tells everybody what he does.

He likes to get home and wear his home clothes. He has a jacket, a tie and meeting pants and a meeting shirt. His home clothes are different because some have short sleeves and some have long sleeves. It’s different because his meeting pants have buttons on them.

Daddy gets money by sending off my piggy bank and they give it back with more money. And when we go buy something and he gives them dollars, then they give him that many more dollars back. He keeps his money in his pocket thing that has all the money in it and the credit cards. It’s a little holder. He uses his money for buying food for parties and buying me toys.

To relax, Daddy gets his regular clothes on and lays on the couch watching shows with my dog, Truman. Sometimes he takes naps on the couch.

He likes to cook his favorite, which is steak. He cooks Minion mac and cheese. I love them because I always want more. They carve the mac and cheese to look like Minions. He likes the steak, but I don’t because he always puts this stuff on it that I don’t like. He puts salt, pepper and this stuff that puts red spots on it.

His favorite TV show is Redskins. It’s players that catch the ball and have to put it in the hoop. They have helmets and sneakers that go all the way up to their pants. If somebody else gets the ball and they go past the line, they get touchdowns. If you get the most hoops in, like 51 or 80, then they win. Who has the most number on it wins.

My daddy is special because he says I am the boss of the downstairs. I love him because he gave me a special Valentine heart that looked like a Valentine with feet and hands and he gave me chocolates. He loves me because when I was a baby I was cute and he just loves me, that’s all. And he loves me because I came for his birthday at the Nats party.


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