Mount Vernon Field Trip


Posted by mduarte | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on February 21, 2020

  1. Yesterdry we went to mount vernon.  First, we saw the slave head quarters.  It was cold, dark, old, the beds were made out of strol it looked unkftrbl.  There were also bed bugs in the bed.  They had to get the bed spred off and flap it to talk the bugs.  Second, we saw the mainchun.  We saw a fan chair and you can change the for you can get air.  it was in a dusty areay it was brown dry.  Martha’s and Washington’s bed was big, silky, white, and beautiful.  They had three big portres of there grand children.  Nele was Washington’s favorite grand children she was maryede there and she had a room with a babys crib.  Third, we went to the tomb of Washington’s and Martha’s.  We did a little rseption Libby and Zack put the wreath at the tomb. James led us in the pledge. Sam, Chan, Grace, and Rena Grace read these little quotations about George Washington. Aven read the poem and then we were done. Patience was my  bus buddy. We colored and drew. It took one hour to get there and about 50 minutes to get back. Our bus broke down so that’s why it took so long to get there! (Mrs. Llufrio typed the end for me 🙂 )

My Trip


Posted by mduarte | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on February 13, 2020

If I could plan a trip I would go to India, I would invite Addison, and we would eat at the local good.  If I could plan a trip, I would go to India.  I chose India because they have great food.  They have fish, tea, salad and bread.  They have masks , creepy masks, scary masks, and animal masks.  The masks are used in parades and for celebrations.  We will go to a parade so we can see all the beauiful masks.  On my trip I would bring Addison.  I would invite Addison because she never complains and is great friend and company.  Also, she does what I want and I do what she wants.  We will go local food markels and local clothing stores.  When we go to India we will eat.  We will fresh fish, red spices, and yellow spices.  The fish will be Atlantic Salmon.  The spices will probably tass good.  In conclusion, if I could plan a trip, I would go to India, I would invile Addison, and we would eat the local foods.

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