4th Grade is awesome!


Posted by mwielgoszinski | Posted in Fourth Grade | Posted on May 21, 2020

My favorite part of 4th grade is the beginning of it. I met so many new people! Like Lucy, Miles, Daniel, Russel, Chloe, and Zoe! Zoe became my best friend too. The most memorable part of 4th grade is when i first met Zoe. We became B.F.F.s from the start. Now I call her almost everyday! My favorite subject is and always will be math! Mr. Evans would play games with us at the end of math! We would sometimes play Star Wars Math which is really fun! The hardest thing i had to do would be the invention convention. I couldn’t find something to do! Then i thought of the idea of the Vegetable Cake! I made it with the help of my family, Grace and I were the taste testers! I was so worried that nobody would like it but everybody loved it! Some of my friends asked me to save a piece for them! I did, and some people came back to my stand for a second sample! I loved it so much, i had THREE! And if 4th Grade had a theme song it would obviously be: 4th Grade is awesome! 4th Grade is cool even if we aren’t there! 4th Grade is awesome! Nothing can compare! It would totally be that! I had a couple favorite books but my 1st favorite has to be “Guts!🤢” That is the actual emoji for the book! 4th grade is and always will be my favorite year of my life! Bye!

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