My 2020 Resolutions!


Posted by Nayli | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on January 23, 2020

This year I made three resolutions.First, I want to keep my playroom clean. I will make sure to sweep my playroom in dusty areas. I will also clean my hideout everyday and put my books in my hideout away. I will put away my toys when I do not want to play with them any more.Second,I want to improve more in soccer. I want to score five goals in one game. Also I want to be better at my 12 moves and at least practite for 30 miutes. I want to improve getting my soccer bag ready the night before my game. Third, I want to  help my mom and dad with chores. After we eat I want to help sweep. Instead of my mom folding my laundry I can fold it with her. I can help my dad by gathering the trash with him and putting the trash out. In conclusion,this year I want to keep my playroom clean,improve in soccer,and help my mom and dad with chores.

Comments (1)

Your new year resolutions are great. We’ve noticed you’ve been working on them too. You have been organizing the playroom more, we can tell your soccer skills have improved, and you have been helping more around the house. Great job! Keep it up! 🙂

We love you!!

Mom & Dad

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