My scarecrow


Posted by rparker | Posted in Second Grade | Posted on February 19, 2019

Hi my name is Phebe.  I have a dog name  Rover.  My scarecrow has a green shirt with 1 pink badge. She has glasses with  spider webs and she always is carrying a book all around.  She has blue jeans with orange pockets and no shoes.  Her dog, Rover, is a St. Bernard.  He is just a puppy.  Rover loves to play Tug-of-War.  Phebe has long hair; it goes to her hip.  She has no hat.  Phebe doesn’t have a lot of stuffing.  One sunny day, her brother, Bob, said “Hi!” I said, “Hi!” back.  My sister’s  name is Sally.  She is 3 years old.  We went to the dog shelter.  Sally saw a husky; it was a girl and a puppy.  We got her. Sally named her JoJo. Bob and me liked that name.Rover and JoJo or Rover is sad,one of them will cheer them up. One day, it was Sally’s birthday. She was wearing a red dress. Sally was wearing shoes that were blue.  I think Phebe is curious and kind.

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