Tanner’s Mommy and Daddy


Posted by dlfischer | Posted in Junior Kindergarten, Portfolio | Posted on March 5, 2017

Tanner’s Mommy

Mommy’s an adult. She has a little black hair and I think green eyes. She’s like this tall (stretches arms out wide). She doesn’t wear make-up but she puts on chapstick. She wears pants, dresses and skirts and her favorite colors are purple and pink. She’s really pretty. She’s as pretty as a flower.

Mommy’s work is on her computer in her office. She is a “co-construct.” A co-construct helps you to build a house. She helps my daddy…he’s the chief. Sometimes she goes out for her job at the job site or the post office or to soccer games…all over the place.

Mommy’s work at home is cleaning for a little bit and cooking for a little. She cleans crumbs that Annika, me and dad make. Ossie tries to help clean the floor with his mouth. She cooks French fries and hummus and ketchup and juice and smoothies. My favorite thing is egg nog and rice cakes.  I don’t like when she cooks silly dinner. I only like the green parts and not yellow parts. They look like soup.

Mommy likes to shop. She shops at Wal-mart and Costco to get veggies, food, drinks and toilet paper. She shops for pants for me in a store right next to Costco. Her favorite restaurant is Chick-fil-a. She gets chicken nuggets. She drinks water and for dessert, she gets cookies, ice cream and cake.

Mommy likes to go to the beach for vacation. She plays with me and she lays down and closes her eyes. She helps me build roads and she swims. She sometimes has a picnic at the beach.

Mommy plays games with me too. She plays Candyland. Sometimes my mom wins and I win a lot too. She picks the yellow person and I pick red. To relax at home, she plays with me and sometimes she sleeps. She sometimes she reads or takes a nap.

Mommy is special because she’s nice to me and she plays with me. She teaches me letters too. I love her because she’s nice to me.  She loves me because I’m a good helper and I feed Ossie.


Tanner’s Daddy

Daddy is big. He’s ginormous. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He looks like me.  He’s very strong…he can pick me up. He’s as strong as me.

Daddy works and works and when it’s nighttime he stops working. He works in the office and on the job site. A job site is where you have a lot of machines and dirt and it’s where you are building something. When he’s there, he HAS to wear his helmet but sometimes he doesn’t. If a tree falls, he just runs out of the way. When it’s cold out, he wears long pants and shirts. When it’s warm out, he wears shorts and short sleeve shirts. At home, he wears comfy clothes.

Daddy gets money by paying for money at the bank. He gets it from the bank and my mom. He keeps it in his black wallet. He uses it for to pay stuff. He pays the bill at the restaurant.

Daddy relaxes by laying down. He takes a nap. Sometimes he watches TV. He always likes me to snuggle with him and we watch Lego City. Daddy sometimes cooks. He cooks good stuff on the grill and inside the house.

Daddy’s favorite sport is soccer. You kick the ball to the person and then to the goal. That’s how you score a point. When Daddy’s team wins, they get an award. He gets excited. Like when he’s at Annika’s game, he says, “GO GO ANNIKA!” He likes to play Candyland with me too. Sometimes Daddy wins and sometimes I win. He picks yellow too…like Mommy. When I win, he says, “Good job, Tanner!”

Daddy is special because plays with me and goes outside and we catch fish. I love him because he gives me hugs when I’m happy and sad. He loves me because I give him hugs and I help him and play with him.


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