JK’s Feast of Favorites

As we wrap up another Friday before the break next week, we want to take the opportunity to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving! I hope that it might include some restful time with your families over the break as well as some time for celebration. It seems that life gets very busy these days, and we all need to take a break to catch our breath, spend some quality time with family and friends, and if you’re like me, catch up on work around the house. Our JK Feast of Favorites was a wonderful celebration of our efforts to practice kindness and gratitude this month. The children worked so hard putting together our turkey costumes and cutting all of those feathers…one for each kind act! It was so wonderful seeing the children enjoy time with their special guests. How they loved to have their people here for lunch! The excitement could not be contained throughout the morning. We also enjoyed chatting with you and watching you all get to chat with each other. From the weather to the delicious food, it was a wonderful afternoon! Thank you all for your helping hands with set-up and/or breakdown, bringing such delicious culinary treats, and your continued support of our JK program. We couldn’t do what we do without you, and we are SO very thankful for our parents. This is one incredible JK FAmily!

Here is a video that we made of all of your sweet children singing a song that we learned this week about our Thanksgiving Feast!

Have a wonderful weekend, Parents and Families!

Mrs. Fischer and Mrs. Wilcox 🙂

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