
On Thursday, PK finally had the opportunity to go for a hike! After attending the fourth and fifth grade performance that morning, we headed for the tunnel right across from the Upper School. We were excited to see what our eyes could see, what our ears could hear, and what our noses could smell.

Entering the trail into the woods, we could already hear bird songs.

As we walked along, we saw old logs on the ground with fungi growing on them and trees with little hiding places. We talked about how those things are helpful to the creatures who live in the woods.


When we looked up high, we spotted some interesting things too.

Far above our heads we could see new leaves just emerging on the tall trees.

Then we came across these arched trees. They were compared to rainbows and we talked about shapes and how a big snow a few years ago bent them like that.

Soon we could hear the gentle sounds of the stream that runs along our path.

And we got to feel the soft and cushiony moss that grows in the shaded areas of the forest floor.

At the end of our hike, it started to sprinkle! We laughed as we hurried back to the tunnel and across the road to our classroom.

Even in our hurry we appreciated the tiny spring flowers along the walkway and we were thrilled to see a pair of bluebirds flying along our path.


We can’t wait to hike again! We headed out hoping to be able to do a “half-hike” ,and we were able to complete a whole hike, so we are definitely ready. In fact, we will be hiking each Thursday that we can in the weeks ahead. (Please dress your child accordingly.) We hope to expand the learning that we started this week by weaving in related books and activities, and Mrs. Larochelle will be accompanying us as well.


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