Posted by charlotte | Posted in Fourth Grade | Posted on March 20, 2020

I am reading the BFG. The BFG is about a little girl, Sophie, who could not go to sleep one night and she thought it was the witching hour. In this book, the witching hour is an hour in the middle of the night and all the monsters come out. She got out of bed and went to the window. She looked out side and there was a figure. The figure turned around and it saw Sophie, and stared at her Sophie. She tried to scream but nothing came out. She ran back to her bed and pulled the covers over her. The figure was a Giant and it came to the window and it grabbed Sophie and ran away. This book also has a movie that is really good. I recommend watching the movie after reading the book because you need to always read the original first in my opinion. This book is by Ronald Dahl  and he has written a lot of other really good books. I like this book a lot and I hope you will soon!





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Comments (1)

What a great summary so far! I’m glad you think everyone should read the book before they watch the movie. But that’s a great idea…read the book, then have a family movie night. Pop some popcorn and enjoy the BFG. Who is your favorite character so far?

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