Mount Vernon Field Trip


Posted by Gabrielle | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on February 21, 2020

Yesterday we went to Mount Vernon. First  we saw the slaves  qorders.  It was intresting  how they slept. The  slaves would hit the straw. Next we sall the mirror that Gorge looked in. The mirror was butifol to look  at.Then we saw the key.The key was in a frame. The key was big and gold. Then we went to  his tomb. Jams led the pleg. Libby and Zack put a wreath  near the tomb.Then we went back to the bus. My bus buddy was Libby. We were tiead.

My trip


Posted by Gabrielle | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on February 13, 2020

If I could plan a trip I  would go to Germany, I would invite Jagere , and we would viait  restaurants.  If I could plan a trip, I would  go to Germany.  I chose Germany because I could go with my family and friends. On my trip  I would  bring Jager. I  would invite  Jager because he can protect me. Jager is very protective of me. Jager  plays  with me. He is very  playfol with me, and  he  is  my buddy. When  we go to Germany  we will go to restaurants and eat dlicious food We will sleep in a comfortable hotel and have a great week. In conclusion if I  could plan a trip I would go to Germany, I would go to restaurant.

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