Ugly Dolls: The Movie Novel (part 2)


Posted by jamberger | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on May 1, 2020

So now Moxy is leaving town. She is trying to gather people to come with her but right when she was trying to get people, Lucky Bat secretly told people not to go so they listened to him. Moxy, Ugly Dog, and BaBo were the only ones who went because Ugly Dog always follows her and BaBo only went so she would not be sad. After they left, on the way to the Big World, they saw a big pipe. Moxy thinks it leads to the Big World so now she is making them go into it even thought it is going to be hard to fit in. Before they go in, they see there friend Wage. They ask Wage if he wanted to go but he said no because he didn’t want to get dirty.

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