Library Housekeeping

What do I do?
This library book is 42
Years overdue.
I admit that it’s mine
But I can’t pay the fine–
Should I turn it in
Or hide it again?
What do I do?
What do I do?

–Shel Silverstein

It has been a while since I have printed overdue notices. This year, the copiers hang up the print job when printing these notices in PDF form. I asked Mrs. Redding to print them for me in the MS Library. I’m not sure why I did not think of that before. We are currently in the process of having these notices sent in email format. This will allow us to send notices more frequently and not have to waste paper or deal with printer/copier difficulties.

I will be sending notices home tomorrow. Please check in your child’s folder or backpack and inquire if he or she received a “Notice: Overdue Materials, Unpaid Fines” notice. This is just to serve as a reminder. I know that some parents have contacted me regarding overdue materials. Please keep searching for those items. If a book is permanently lost, it does have to be replaced. I prefer not to bill parents unless absolutely necessary at the end of the year. If a book has been damaged, I would like for that book to be paid for as soon as possible, since that item will no longer be used by the library. If you believe your child has received a notice in error, please let me or Mrs. Redding know as soon as possible.

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