Library Happenings


We are in full spring mode in the library. After months of snow, award winning books, research, and great historical reads, we are moving on to books about planting, endangered species, biomes, and spring. 4th and 5th grade students continue to bring Chrome books and iPads to the library to use for information, research, and to consult the library catalog. Currently, we are learning together how to access electronic books from the catalog. 3rd grade goes to the lab to use Encyclopedia Britannica online for supplemental information regarding their animal subjects. For the youngest students we will continue to read seasonal stories.

As the year begins to wind down, I would like to place a book review in the students digital portfolios. It is also time to begin thinking about lost and damaged books. There are some students that need to start thinking about replacing a missing library book. From time to time, I send overdue reports. If your student has not returned a book, please expect to see these notices more frequently. Thank you for helping your student be diligent regarding book returns.

It has been a wonderful year. Your students are asking great questions. The older students, in addition to learning about information skills are great helpers to the program. June will be here before we know it.


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