Summer and Books!


I’m not sure where the year went. Lots of books were circulated in both libraries. Resources were introduced for the first time to third grade and reintroduced to others. Usernames and passwords were given out and forgotten. The computer lab, Chromebook, and iPads were regular supplies this year. Stories were still read. We had two successful book fairs. And sometimes the best lessons were when discussions from books took off on a life of their own. My two favorites were the Civil Rights Movement and bees!

Inventory has begun in both libraries. If your student has not already done so, please help them to return library materials as soon as possible. Inventory helps to make sure books are organized in their proper place on the respective shelves, and locate “lost” or “missing” books that may have inadvertently ended up back on the shelf without being checked in properly.

Although the FA Libraries are putting checkouts on hold for the summer, we do have a small collection of ebooks that can found by going to Put our school location and go from there. Your student will need to log on with their respective Follett Destiny Quest username and password, which grades 3up should know. Follett is doing some enhancements this week, so I am waiting for a new set of instructions.

Central Rappahannock Public Library is holding their annual summer programs at their headquarters branch as well as neighborhood branches. Please go to their website for more information. I will be sharing their Youtube promo to the LS students this week.

Although the Fifth Grade is moving across the breezeway, I will see them frequently as I go back and forth between this library and the MS Library. I will continue to see them in Falcon Club if they are not playing a sport or extracurricular activity. For my young students and families who are moving on to other schools and adventures, I will miss them a great deal.

Have a wonderful and relaxing summer!

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