
There is always a lot of activity in the LS Library. First Grade students are taking advantage of checking out books in the morning. Fifth Grade students help to collect books, deliver the newspapers to the MS Library for the day. PK receives a weekly visit with stories and books. JK-1 visits for stories and books. Second Grade is learning about selecting a book that is just right for their reading levels. Third Grade has been introduced to Melvil Dewey and his system for the organization of libraries around the world. Fourth Grade has genre studies and using the library catalog efficiently to find books. Fifth grade is currently doing a research project about different countries in Central and Latin America.

As fall is in full swing, read-alouds become more seasonal. Currently there are stories about autumn, pumpkins, and  scary (not really) stories. Next month promises to be stories about elections, American Indians, and Thanksgiving. The end of the year culminates with winter holidays.

To encourage more circulation in the library, I am allowing the older elementary students to check out more books. And some are taking advantage of it. I am looking forward to empty shelves soon.

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