4th Grade Library: Week of March 22, 2020

Hello 4th Grade!

I hope you all had a fantastic week of Distance Learning. I know it is a challenge for ALL of us. But it is going to be okay!

Last week, I started a chapter book just for you all. Below is Chapter 2 from Stonewall Hinkleman and the Battle of Bull Run by Virginia authors Michael Hemphill and Sam Riddleburger. 

I do have other things planned, but this will be our “go to” book throughout the rest of the school year, one chapter at a time. 

Please make sure you take a look at my other library blogs for information about access to Ebooks and audio books online. I just found out that Amazon is also offering free access to Kindle Unlimited. So check with your parents about that. I have a subscription to Unlimited and know that they have children’s books. 

Enjoy this week’s lesson. See you next week!


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