5th Grade Library: Week of April 5, 2020

Good Morning 5th Grade!

How are you guys doing? I am still at home. My husband, Christopher, Fluffy, and I are all here at home. I started planting last week and hope to do some more this evening. I am running a couple of times a week and taking online exercise courses twice a week. Fluffy goes with me when I walk everyday after lunch for a quick walk. I am going to have to try to add something else, because I am still not moving enough during the school day. I hope you all are coming up with creative ways to keep moving at home. 

While I am thinking about it, I am going to give a plug for next year’s fall sports season…Cross Country! If we were still having classes at FA right now,  we would start training for the Great Train Race and talk about spring running and fitness. That usually gives Mr. Steinberger and I time to talk about encouraging those of you who do like to run long distances to think about giving Cross Country a try next year. In case you are wondering, the sports offered here for fall are Cross Country (6-12), MS Boys Soccer, MS Girls Tennis, and MS Girls Field Hockey. 


Please complete the research assignment given last week, using Encyclopedia Britannica and Discovery Education about a favorite place. All that information is further down on the blog. Once you have done that, please do 30 minutes of silent reading, book of your choice. Please come back later in the week for “Story Time” to be included in this post. My plans were to have it ready to go by posting time, but it takes HOURS for my videos to upload, and I have not figured out exactly how many hours, because it seems to vary, even though the videos are similar in length. Some things about this distance learning, I am still working on. I’ll “see you” later in the week!

P.S. I just discovered on Discovery Education a few audio books that might be of interest. They have some “Goosebumps”, Anne of Green Gables, Alice in Wonderland, and The Hunger Games. I am assuming they will add more content later. 

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