JK Computer: Week of March 22, 2020

Hello JK!

If you did not see my other blog from last week, here it is, short and sweet!



I am using my cell phone, so the image is reversed, so my mouse is backwards!!

As mentioned in my video above, this might be something that you would find fun. Mo Willems is the author the “Pigeon” books, “Elephant and Piggy” and the “Knuffle Bunny” series. Before he started writing all those cool books, he worked for Sesame Street. Instead of computer instruction, I thought you could use your hands the old fashioned way by “doodling”!

I am posting the intro video. 

See you all next time!

4th Grade Library: Week of March 22, 2020

Hello 4th Grade!

I hope you all had a fantastic week of Distance Learning. I know it is a challenge for ALL of us. But it is going to be okay!

Last week, I started a chapter book just for you all. Below is Chapter 2 from Stonewall Hinkleman and the Battle of Bull Run by Virginia authors Michael Hemphill and Sam Riddleburger. 

I do have other things planned, but this will be our “go to” book throughout the rest of the school year, one chapter at a time. 

Please make sure you take a look at my other library blogs for information about access to Ebooks and audio books online. I just found out that Amazon is also offering free access to Kindle Unlimited. So check with your parents about that. I have a subscription to Unlimited and know that they have children’s books. 

Enjoy this week’s lesson. See you next week!


Library Resource Update: TumbleBooks

Good Morning!

Great news from TumbleBooks. They are offering all libraries free access to their books and databases through the summer. Please see below!

www.TumbleBookLibrary.com – K-6 children’s ebook database
Direct Link: https://www.tumblebooklibrary.com/auto_login.aspx?U=tumble735&P=books
Username: tumble735
Password: books

www.TumbleMath.com – K-6 math ebook database
Direct Link: https://www.tumblemath.com/autologin.aspx?U=tumble2020&P=A3b5c6
Username: tumble2020
Password: A3b5c6

www.TeenBookCloud.com – gr 7-12 ebook database
Direct Link: https://www.teenbookcloud.com/autologin.aspx?U=tumble2020&P=A3b5c6
Username: tumble2020
Password: A3b5c6

www.AudioBookCloud.com – This site is an audio book database for kids to adults, however the direct link below provides direct access to the children’s section.
Direct Link: http://www.audiobookcloud.com/autologin.aspx?U=tumble2020&P=A3b5c6&categoryID=33
Username: tumble2020
Password: A3b5c6

TumbleBooks’ databases are easy to use, and feature unlimited access from home! Your kids can read as many books as they want, when they want, and on any device. There are no check-outs, holds, or bulky downloads. Books are available instantly.

Your access will continue until August 31, 2020.

We encourage you to let colleagues at other schools know about the free TumbleBooks access.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions/concerns.

Happy Tumbling


5th Grade Library, Week of March 22, 2020

Hello 5th Grade!

Last week, I sent instructions for working on research using Encyclopedia Britannica. I have heard from several of you and made comments on your Google Doc. If you have not worked on this, please use this week to do so. Here is the link to last week’s  library blog. http://blogs.fredericksburgacademy.org/lowerschool/2020/03/18/5th-grade-library-week-of-march-15/

For the rest of you, please use this week’s library time to read a book of your choice for 30 minutes (or more!).  All week, I have been trying to locate other free online books for you all. The challenge has been finding resources for my Middle and Upper students. At this point, many of you can benefit from the Middle School resources.  


  • If you (or a parent) have a Central Rappahannock Library Card, you can access their online books and check them out.


  • You all have an Epic account. Classroom code: gme4717


  • Junior Library Guild now has audio books. Click on either the Elementary or Middle School Stream. 



  • Many of your favorite authors have their own Youtube Channels, where they read their books or excerpts from their books. We’re talking about everything from Mo Willems to Neil Gaiman. They may also have interviews. Try it sometime. 

I have a closed YouTube Channel setup for my classes. I did a short video that I uploaded to my library blog a few days ago. I will do that from time to time, just so you can still see and hear me, even though we are not meeting in our library on Monday or Friday mornings. It may be from when I am out and about (like Maymont and Byrd Parks), or it may be from my family property.


Keep studying. Keep reading.  Get some exercise every day. Drink your water! Wash your hands! Be well!

Mrs. A. 

P.S. All links are in bold type.

Library, 2nd Grade: Week of March 15, 2020

Hello Mrs. Grabfelder’s Class!

It is very strange not being in the library on Thursday afternoon this week. But fear not!  I am still reading (with permission of Scholastic Publishing) Shaq and the Beanstalk by children’s author and former NBA basketball player, Shaquille O’Neal!

I love fractured fairy tales. Once we finish Shaq’s adventures, I’ll see what else I can share online!  Have a great weekend!


4th Grade Library, Week of March 15, 2020


Hello 4th Grade!  

I hope all is well at home with your studies this week. It’s Library Time (whenever that may be for you!)!!

I made these videos Wednesday afternoon, but it has taken quite a bit of time to get them loaded. I have to admit that the process did not go as smoothly as I had seen in my imagination. Also, in the first video I mentioned the term “trench warfare”. That was my mistake…wrong war! I knew as soon as I said it I was wrong. I meant to say the term “Earth works”. That being said, we are ALL learning in a new way this week. We are all in this together.


JK: Computer

Hello Mrs. Kolotos’ Class!

I missed you all in the Computer Lab this week!  Because of what is happening right now,  you are probably using the computer A LOT at home right now. We will not have Computer Class. However, your parents are welcome to go to our Computer Blog page that has the picture of the computer lab and the Teddy Bear to see what our classes have been using when they come to the Lab. In JK, we have been using ABC Mouse, ABCYA (PreK), and PBS Kids so far this year. Your parents can click HERE for that page.

Edited 3/22/20: Parents, we have free access to ABC Mouse. Please click link to the right for school access code: ABC Mouse Free access. Sign up for a family ABC Mouse account here for free! This program works best as an app on an iPad/tablet or smartphone. On a PC or laptop (through web browsers), ABC Mouse causes many more technical difficulties and can be frustrating.

I hope you all are enjoying new ways to learn this week!

5th Grade Library, Week of March 15

Hello Mr. Barzditis and Mrs. McGehee’s classes!

Greetings from Spring Hill Farm. Except for my older son Brandon, who lives and works in Richmond, the rest of the Atkins Family is working and attending classes from home. I miss you all this week. I miss seeing Finn and Will every morning. You will be getting instructions from me weekly for your library class. Library Class should be about 35 minutes.

Make sure you are taking advantage of getepic for free online books. Classroom code is in your Google Doc of Research Tools. 

I am guessing you did not take your library folders home last week. However, that should not be too much of a problem, because you can still research from home using a computer. For now, we will put a hold on the research project you were working on, since your notes are at school. 


This week (Notes and Citations):

Yesterday,  I was at Maymont Park in Richmond, Virginia. I used to go there regularly when I lived in Richmond. Now that Brandon lives a block from Byrd Park (which is adjacent to Maymont), he goes walking there several times a week and I join him when we are off together. And yes, we walked around for over 6 miles!  If you would like more information about Maymont, please click here.

Parks, in general were created for people living in close quarters or in the city limits to have an opportunity to get out and enjoy nature. Even though it’s a bit scary right now, we are still encouraged to get out and enjoy fresh air and sunshine. I saw quite a few families out yesterday afternoon. The mansion is closed, but the grounds are open as usual for people to enjoy. Mrs. Estes wants you to get outside everyday. I want you to get outside everyday!!


Using Encyclopedia Britannica from your resource page (or below), locate an article about a NATIONAL PARK of your choice. Some of you were doing this as your project, so do that one or select  another. Once you read that article…


Open up a Google Doc.


Name it with your park.


Type  5 facts in complete sentences. 


Find the citation information (your parent or adult monitoring your homeschooling may need to assist you because we discussed several times, each site has it in a different place). COPY AND PASTE the citation below your paragraphs.


Share your Google Doc with me catkins@fredericksburgacademy.org


If you have any questions, let me know. 


Encyclopedia Britannica

***Because you are accessing from home, you will have to put in our username and password. Please see email or Google Doc for Username and Password. 




Hawaii Volcanoes National Park


Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is a series of active volcanoes on the island of Hawaii.


  It was established in 1915.


 It is approximately 505 square miles.


It has the earth’s largest volcano called Mauna Loa. 


Kilauea is the youngest volcano and most active. 

“Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.” Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica, 25 May. 2018. school.eb.com/levels/high/article/Hawaii-Volcanoes-National-Park/39595. Accessed 18 Mar. 2020.

4th & 5th Grade Library Classes

Hello All!

I just wanted to remind the students (and parents) that we have access to a free resource of electronic books from Epic Books.

For other grades using Epic, each classroom teacher has their own class. Fourth and Fifth are all bundled together in my “class”.

  • Click here.
  • Click on “log in” top right corner.
  • Click on “Students and Educators”.
  • Under “student log in”, type in gme4717 for class code.
  • Search for your name and click on it. They are in alphabetical order by first name.

Epic has given students free remote access. If this is not happening, please let me know!


Updated 3/20/20: Just found out about these free AUDIO BOOKS through Audible. Try some audio books too!

Happy DEAR time!