Treasure Hunters : danger down the nile


Posted by mwielgoszinski | Posted in Fourth Grade | Posted on March 26, 2020

So this week I read the book treasure hunters. The book treasure hunters is a really good book and so the actual name of the book is treasure hunters danger down the Nile. Now I am on page 241 and I am on chapter 48 AND i am on book 2.So they found this box that their father hid before he disappeared. Theor father also set up a car for a trip to king solmons mines. It was like a mini house but on wheels. It had a microwave oven for popcorn,a sophisticated GPS, a secret weapons Compartment, Tommy’s mirror,and a secret Secret snack stash! Bick and Beck’s beds are on the floor. Their secret snack stash includes pies, chocolate muffins, Lollipops, candy, chocolate chip cookies, donuts, huge chocolate bars, bags of Doritos, and chocolate anything. I would really want to have that type of snack stash!!! The guy that gave it to them was named dumaka. To get to King Solomon‘s mines they had to stay in the car for 12 hours in A very hot desert with Sandy koufax,Pecan Sandy’s,sandbox, and Sandcastles. So they saw so many great things like giant sand dunes ( some as tall as 590 feet, aswan dam, and the Temple of Luxor. Did you know that Antarctica is a desert? It’s true! But trust me it’s nowhere near as hot as the Sahara desert! And in part two bungle in the jungle, Beck and Bick had twin tirade number 465 because they needed to go to King Solomon‘s mines but Beck wanted to go to Johannesburg, while Bick wanted to go to the buzzards abandoned pirate treasure. But then Tommy got into the twin tirade and he suggested to go to the ming Dynasty Artifacts from Zheng He’s treasure fleet. Then beck got mad because only twins could have a twin tirade. She said,” excuse me? Are you a twin?” Then Tommy said “ Um… no “. Then bick and beck both said” then stay out of this! “. Then storm cut into it too and said to continue their quest to King Solomon‘s mines. Then that snapped beck and bick out of their twin tirade instantly. I will tell you more next time! Bye!

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