Are Field Trip to the Zoo


Posted by ari | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on May 17, 2019

Last week we took a field trip to the zoo! When we got on the bus Levi was my partner. It took about one hour and 20 minuets. It was a long bus ride. When we got there  we went to this out door theater .It was cool. First they talked about a penguin from Africa. They also brought out a snake ,a very colerfell bird and an Armadillo it was very cute! When we walked around the zoo my partner was Charlotte and her mom. First we saw a Cheetah then we fed a Giraffe it was very fun cool and unusual they had very long tongs. Then we saw the lion and the snow leopard and the tiger and even the Black Bear after we had lunch and went to the gift shop I got a squashy and slime. It was the best field trip I ever had!

My Endangered Species Project


Posted by ari | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on May 13, 2019

We have been doing an Endangered species project in our class. We each had a different animal to work on. My animal was the Polar Bear. Polar Bears are mammals. It is a mammal because it has fur, the babies are born alive and the cub nurses from there mother and they use there lungs  to breath air. Polar bears have black skin under there white fur but you can only see there white fur. When they stand on there back legs they are are 10 feet tall but only an audalt. When a polar bear is full grown it is 660 pounds but when the cub is first born it is less than two pounds.

The Polar Bear lives in the Artic but it does not live in Antartica because it’s to hot there and they would die of heat. They live in snow dens in the Arctic to keep warm and that’s just where they live. Polar Bears do migrate unless the mother is having a cub then she stays with the Cubs. When Polar Bears migrate they migrate south. And a Polar Bear migrate in a group called mating is where  they find one and only one partner only.

The mother reproduces every December and she usually has twins but some times triplets. The Cubs nurse from there mother for about 18 months before the cub can go with there mother to hunt for food. Polar Bears are great hunters because they have great eye sight to hunt down food from a mile away. They also have great smell they can smell a dead seal from 2 miles. They also have awsome eye sight to see there pray. They have great teeth to kill there pray and to eat there pray. They eat fish, seals and young stranded whales. They live 20to 30 years old in the wild.

Polar  Bears have back legs to help them swim and to help them run. They have two layers of fur to keep warm and when they swim they are not cold. They have great camouflage so they can sneak up on there pray. Polar Bears favorite food is seals. Polar Bears are cadnavors witch means they only eat meat.

Polar Bears are  vulnerable because of climate change. About 500 too 600 die a year. Ice caps are also melting because of pollution and ships come and break the ice with is also melting the polar bears ice. The number of polar bears decreases each year.

There’s about 30,000 in the wild today. We can also stop climate change. We can do that by housing less warm water. You can also walk to places and use your bike more. You can also recycle so we can reuse the things we recycle. You also shouldn’t litter you should put it in the trash or recycle it.

Polar bears are marine animals they are marine animals because they eat from the sea. Polar bears are left handed so they eat with there left hand. Polar bears do not have a natural enemy – only humans. Polar bears have hollow fur. Polar bears have fur that is just as white as the snow. Polar bears fur can change colers when they swim.


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