My Daddy


Posted by dkolotos | Posted in Portfolio | Posted on March 3, 2015

         Daddy has short hair and brown and greenish eyes. He has a bigger mouth than me. His face feels like a place that would be comfy for me to sleep. He shaves because sometimes it gets too long and it’s about to fall off of his chin. He has a big beard and a moustache. He is as big as that door. He is strong. He can hold up a super heavy thing and he can hold up mommy.

         Daddy works in D.C. He sends things what mommy sends to him to give to the Marines. He sends them to his boss because his boss knows how to get them there. He just sends stuff all day. I think he brings sandwiches in a box with dried grapes that me and mommy don’t like but he likes them. His work looks like a little small room that doesn’t have any door, you can just walk through it.

         Daddy likes to wear work clothes that has squares on it with blue and white. He has his favorite jacket that I like to smell and I call it stinky jacket. It is brown and it’s fabric. His morning clothes have short sleeves. He got one from Hawaii.

         Daddy gets money from working. His boss gives it to him because if he listens for the whole week he gets it. He buys stuff with it like clothes or stuff for a trip. When he goes to the bank you get candy at the end and maybe at the start. They save the money for him. They keep his money in like a little jail, but only it’s not a little jail, but bad guys can’t get in it.

         Sometimes on the end he relaxes. Sometimes after work. Sometimes when he gets home he goes up to change and then he goes straight back to work in the work room. He relaxes when he plays outside with Sadie.

         Daddy cooks eggs for breakfast and sometimes bacon and pancakes. I don’t like to eat pancakes because I don’t want my hands to get sticky.

         Daddy’s favorite TV show is a movie that has weapons in it, but I have to be in bed so I cannot watch it, but I can hear it. He watches football. You see throwing. It’s a really not safe game because you get hurt. They fall down and make their face bleed or crack their teeth. They throw the ball and wrestle with each other. They try to get points. If one team throws the ball and the other team falls on them and gets the ball they get points. The winners get a trophy.      

         My daddy is special because he has short brown hair. I love him because I like to smell his stinky jacket, that’s why! He loves me because Mommy and me both have the same color hair and we both have the same color eyes.

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