I Have Grown


Posted by efierst | Posted in First Grade | Posted on May 19, 2017

In first grade I got better at math. I learned how to write longer sentences. I am most proud of my work because I don’t talk to people when I’m working. I’m looking forward to doing good writing in 2nd grade like cute and cool stories and sentences because they are really fun and I want to  do good sentences.

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Comments (1)

Dear Eitan, You are right, you have really grown in first grade. As you said, your math and writing skills are pretty strong. You have also grown as a person. I am surprised every time I see or talk to you on the phone at how well you express yourself and the fact that you take an interest in what and how Sabba and I are doing. It is a real joy watching you grow and mature. We are looking forward to seeing you and Aviva tomorrow and participating in your birthday parties. Thanks for inviting us. Much love, Savta

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