Mount Vernon


Posted by efierst | Posted in Portfolio, Third Grade | Posted on February 15, 2019

We went on a field trip to Mount Vernon. We had a tour of the outside, house, and his tomb. First, we toured the outside and we saw where the farm animals were. They had two stalls and they actually had sheep. The sheep were grazing in their little pen.They had the smokehouse where they smoked the meat. The way that they smoked it was they set a fire and when the smoke came up it smoked the meat.There was a river and it was the Potomac River. They got supplies from boats like food, water, and weapons. In the house they had the key that Lafayette gave George to symbol freedom from the British. Since with keys you can get in and out if you want freedom you can get out of being a subject. They had the kitchen and it was outside because they didn’t want the house to burn (the house was made of wood). The farm was big and they used to have farm animals like horses, cows, and pigs.We did the tomb and I said the special prayer for the ceremony. My favorite part was when I did the prayer because I loved when my heart jumped because I felt so good. Our field trip was awesome!

R: I chose this blog because I had loved the Mount Vernon field trip. I loved learning about George Washington and his family and I learned that his teeth were made of ivory.

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Comments (2)

Dear Eitan,

I’m so glad you had such a great time. The prayer was beautiful and very meaningful, I’m happy that you enjoyed doing it. We are lucky to live so close to such an important part of our country’s history!


Hi Eitan, It sounds as if you REALLY enjoyed Mount Vernon. Abba sent us a vido of you reading the prayer. You did a great job. See you in a few hours! Much love, Savta

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