If I Was Head Of Lower School For A Day


Posted by efierst | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on March 12, 2019

The first thing that I’m going to tell you about is recess. You get 2 30 minute recesses because I believe that kids should have an hour to play around. They can choose if they want to go outside for recess or stay inside. They can play sports on the big field where the players play soccer and they can play all different kinds of sports. For homework they tell you to run around. They also tell you to get Beyblades   and play with them. The thing they tell you the most is watch lots of TV. Next, for lunch you get free pizza and a free desert of your choice. For reading you have to read The Magic Treehouse,Warriors, or Harry Potter. You have to read for 30 minutes.

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Comments (2)

Dear Eitan, I am writing to you from Israel.

You have developed a very busy schedule for lower schoolers. The only part that made me laugh is the part about watching TV. I never heard of Beyblades. So I googled them. They are obviously some type of toy, but I don’t “get it”. If you have any, please show me next time we are together so I will understand why they are fun.

Anyway, if it is a contest to see who will win being Lower School principal for a day, I hope you win! Much love. Miss you, Savta

I would like to have you as a head of school

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