Posted by efierst | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on March 11, 2020

As I fell I didn’t fall. And that was when I realized I, George ‘Happy’ Revere had witnessed magic. So when I woke up the next day I told everybody. As I skipped to school I noticed something. Nobody was there except for me. I was very petrified at the thought until somebody yelled,” The British are coming!!!!!! The British are coming!!!!!!” It was my dad. I charged over to my dad and yelled over the screams of the people” Dad whats going on?????” ” You have to get home”,dad yelled!” First tell me what is happening”. My dad tried to yell back but his voice could not be heard over the yelping of everyone. I wanted to hug him, to stay with him, but I know it wasn’t right . I knew that sometimes easy was not right. So I walked away and then a horrible feeling started in my stomach and I ran back to him.I would have to tell him. But how? So I ran to the wagon and I jumped in. If I went in for a while and hopped out of my spot he wouldn’t be able to drop me backat home.

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Comments (1)

Wow! What an amazing piece. I would love to see you continue on with this writing.

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