

Posted by gwielgoszinski | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on April 23, 2020

This week I read a book called “Smile” by Raina Telgemeier. In the beginning of the book Raina, her Mom, her sister, and her brother were going to the orthodontist because it was almost time for Raina to get her braces on. After that Raina had to go to a girl scout meeting. Raina’s Mom told her that her friend Kelli’s Mom was going to pick up her and Kelli. When the girl scout meeting was over, Kelli’s Mom was at the front of the house. Raina got dropped off first. When Kelli’s Mom got to Raina’s house she asked Kelli to walk up with her. Raina and Kelli started to race. Raina grabbed  Kelli’s sweatshirt and tried to pull herself ahead of her but Kelli got away. After she got away Raina tripped over her two feet and fell on her face. As she got up she felt her two front teeth missing! Kelli’s Mom got out of the car to go help her because she started scream a little. Kelli saw one of Raina’s teeth but she didn’t pick up. She just stared at it. When Raina saw the tooth she grabbed it and started looking for the other one. Kelli went in the house to go get Raina’s parents. Raina’s Dad pick her up and brought her in the house while her Mom stayed outside to look for the other tooth. When Raina and her Dad got in the house Raina’s brother and sister came down stairs to go see what was happening. Raina’s Dad said to go back to sleep and that everything was fine. Raina’s Dad look in her mouth to see if her gums were bleeding (and they were)and he saw a tiny white speck stinking out of her mouth. It was her other tooth! So he ran out side to tell everyone to stop looking because he found the tooth. Her Mom said her tooth must have gotten shoved up into her gum when she fell. After Raina fell asleep her Mom called the dentist. and thats all I can tell you for. THE END.

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