Fourth Grade


Posted by knox | Posted in Third Grade | Posted on May 21, 2020

Fourth Grade was fun and hard sometimes. The most memorable thing I remember about fourth grade was the Invention Convention. It was fun because we got to make inventions and we got to show them to other people. I still have my invention at home. My favorite subject in fourth grade was history. I like history the most because we learned about things that really happened in the past and Mr. Evans always made it fun. My favorite project this year is making my island from Call it Courage. I liked the book and it is fun to find things in my yard and house to make the island. This year I did not like blogging. It always takes me so long to type what I want to say and I would get frustrated. My favorite book this year was Lost on a mountain in Maine. I like Lost on a mountain in Maine because sometimes it was scary and you didn’t know what was going to happen. Also Don was close to my age. I am sad that we had to stay home the last three months of school. It was hard to do school at home and I miss my friends and teachers. I can’t wait to see everyone next year. 


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