January Junior Master Gardener Club


Last month, we had a blast. The first part of the afternoon, we talked about bees and beekeeping. I shared with the group my hopes and struggles as a beginning beekeeper, including the devastation of losing a colony.  I shared pictures and video clips from my blog and brought in my veil and other key supplies. Lots of great questions.

The second half, we spent making pinecone bird feeders with peanut butter, pinecones I picked up outside earlier in the day, and birdseed.  We quickly ran outside to hang them around the campus. The next morning the Fourth Grade helped me to twist them on more securely. This is National Bird-Feeding Month, so please remember our little friends for the remainder of the winter when food is more scarce.

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Next month our meeting is February 18. Mrs. Christie Doherty will teach about fairy gardens and show the gardeners how to make a terrarium to take home.

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